module A201802.LR2 where

open import A201801.Prelude
open import A201801.Category
open import A201801.Fin
open import A201801.FinLemmas
open import A201801.Vec
open import A201801.VecLemmas
open import A201801.AllVec

open import A201802.LR0
open import A201802.LR1


-- `Val M` says that the term `M` is a value.
data Val {g} : Term g  Set
      val-lam   :  {M}  Val (LAM M)
      val-pair  :  {M N}  {{_ : Val M}} {{_ : Val N}}  Val (PAIR M N)
      val-unit  : Val UNIT
      val-left  :  {M}  {{_ : Val M}}  Val (LEFT M)
      val-right :  {M}  {{_ : Val M}}  Val (RIGHT M)
      val-true  : Val TRUE
      val-false : Val FALSE

-- `Vals τ` says that all terms `τ` are values.
data Vals {g} :  {n}  Terms g n  Set
         : Vals 
      _,_ :  {n M}  {τ : Terms g n}  Vals τ  Val M  Vals (τ , M)


-- `_⤠_` is the CBV computation relation.
infix 3 _⤠_
data _⤠_ {g} : Term g  Term g  Set
    app-lam    :  {M N}  {{_ : Val N}}  APP (LAM M) N  CUT N M
    fst-pair   :  {M N}  {{_ : Val M}} {{_ : Val N}}  FST (PAIR M N)  M
    snd-pair   :  {M N}  {{_ : Val M}} {{_ : Val N}}  SND (PAIR M N)  N
    case-left  :  {M N O}  {{_ : Val M}}  CASE (LEFT M) N O  CUT M N
    case-right :  {M N O}  {{_ : Val M}}  CASE (RIGHT M) N O  CUT M O
    if-true    :  {N O}  IF TRUE N O  N
    if-false   :  {N O}  IF FALSE N O  O

-- Values do not compute.
¬val⤠ :  {g}  {M M′ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M}}
                ¬ (M  M′)
¬val⤠ {{val-lam}}   ()
¬val⤠ {{val-pair}}  ()
¬val⤠ {{val-unit}}  ()
¬val⤠ {{val-left}}  ()
¬val⤠ {{val-right}} ()
¬val⤠ {{val-true}}  ()
¬val⤠ {{val-false}} ()

-- Computation is deterministic.
det⤠ :  {g}  {M M′₁ M′₂ : Term g}
               M  M′₁  M  M′₂
               M′₁  M′₂
det⤠ app-lam    app-lam    = refl
det⤠ fst-pair   fst-pair   = refl
det⤠ snd-pair   snd-pair   = refl
det⤠ case-left  case-left  = refl
det⤠ case-right case-right = refl
det⤠ if-true    if-true    = refl
det⤠ if-false   if-false   = refl

-- Computation is type-preserving.
tp⤠ :  {g M M′ A}  {Γ : Types g}
                     M  M′  Γ  M  A
                     Γ  M′  A
tp⤠ app-lam    (app (lam 𝒟) )      = cut  𝒟
tp⤠ fst-pair   (fst (pair 𝒟 ))     = 𝒟
tp⤠ snd-pair   (snd (pair 𝒟 ))     = 
tp⤠ case-left  (case (left 𝒟)  )  = cut 𝒟 
tp⤠ case-right (case (right 𝒟)  ) = cut 𝒟 
tp⤠ if-true    (if 𝒟  )           = 
tp⤠ if-false   (if 𝒟  )           = 


-- `_↦_` is the CBV small-step reduction relation.
infix 3 _↦_
data _↦_ {g} : Term g  Term g  Set
    red :  {M M′}  M  M′
                    M  M′

    cong-app₁ :  {M M′ N}  M  M′
                            APP M N  APP M′ N

    cong-app₂ :  {M N N′}  {{_ : Val M}}
                            N  N′
                            APP M N  APP M N′

    cong-pair₁ :  {M M′ N}  M  M′
                             PAIR M N  PAIR M′ N

    cong-pair₂ :  {M N N′}  {{_ : Val M}}
                             N  N′
                             PAIR M N  PAIR M N′

    cong-fst :  {M M′}  M  M′
                         FST M  FST M′

    cong-snd :  {M M′}  M  M′
                         SND M  SND M′

    cong-abort :  {M M′}  M  M′
                           ABORT M  ABORT M′

    cong-left :  {M M′}  M  M′
                          LEFT M  LEFT M′

    cong-right :  {M M′}  M  M′
                           RIGHT M  RIGHT M′

    cong-case :  {M M′ N O}  M  M′
                              CASE M N O  CASE M′ N O

    cong-if :  {M M′ N O}  M  M′
                            IF M N O  IF M′ N O

-- Values do not reduce.
¬val↦ :  {g}  {M M′ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M}}
                ¬ (M  M′)
¬val↦ {{val-lam}}   (red ())
¬val↦ {{val-pair}}  (red ())
¬val↦ {{val-pair}}  (cong-pair₁ M↦M′) = M↦M′  ¬val↦
¬val↦ {{val-pair}}  (cong-pair₂ N↦N′) = N↦N′  ¬val↦
¬val↦ {{val-unit}}  (red ())
¬val↦ {{val-left}}  (red ())
¬val↦ {{val-left}}  (cong-left M↦M′)  = M↦M′  ¬val↦
¬val↦ {{val-right}} (red ())
¬val↦ {{val-right}} (cong-right M↦M′) = M↦M′  ¬val↦
¬val↦ {{val-true}}  (red ())
¬val↦ {{val-false}} (red ())

-- Computation determines small-step reduction.
red-det↦ :  {g}  {M M′₁ M′₂ : Term g}
                   M  M′₁  M  M′₂
                   M′₁  M′₂
red-det↦ M⤠M′₁     (red M⤠M′₂)       = det⤠ M⤠M′₁ M⤠M′₂
red-det↦ app-lam    (cong-app₁ M↦M′₂) = M↦M′₂  ¬val↦
red-det↦ app-lam    (cong-app₂ M↦M′₂) = M↦M′₂  ¬val↦
red-det↦ fst-pair   (cong-fst M↦M′₂)  = M↦M′₂  ¬val↦
red-det↦ snd-pair   (cong-snd M↦M′₂)  = M↦M′₂  ¬val↦
red-det↦ case-left  (cong-case M↦M′₂) = M↦M′₂  ¬val↦
red-det↦ case-right (cong-case M↦M′₂) = M↦M′₂  ¬val↦
red-det↦ if-true    (cong-if M↦M′₂)   = M↦M′₂  ¬val↦
red-det↦ if-false   (cong-if M↦M′₂)   = M↦M′₂  ¬val↦
red-det↦ ()         (cong-pair₁ _)
red-det↦ ()         (cong-pair₂ _)
red-det↦ ()         (cong-abort _)
red-det↦ ()         (cong-left _)
red-det↦ ()         (cong-right _)

-- Small-step reduction is deterministic.
det↦ :  {g}  {M M′₁ M′₂ : Term g}
               M  M′₁  M  M′₂
               M′₁  M′₂
det↦ (red M⤠M′₁)        M↦M′₂              = red-det↦ M⤠M′₁ M↦M′₂
det↦ (cong-app₁ M↦M′₁)  (cong-app₁ M↦M′₂)  = (\ M′  APP M′ _) & det↦ M↦M′₁ M↦M′₂
det↦ (cong-app₁ M↦M′₁)  (cong-app₂ _)       = M↦M′₁  ¬val↦
det↦ (cong-app₂ _)       (cong-app₁ M↦M′₂)  = M↦M′₂  ¬val↦
det↦ (cong-app₂ N↦N′₁)  (cong-app₂ N↦N′₂)  = (\ N′  APP _ N′) & det↦ N↦N′₁ N↦N′₂
det↦ (cong-pair₁ M↦M′₁) (cong-pair₁ M↦M′₂) = (\ M′  PAIR M′ _) & det↦ M↦M′₁ M↦M′₂
det↦ (cong-pair₁ M↦M′₁) (cong-pair₂ _)      = M↦M′₁  ¬val↦
det↦ (cong-pair₂ _)      (cong-pair₁ M↦M′₂) = M↦M′₂  ¬val↦
det↦ (cong-pair₂ N↦N′₁) (cong-pair₂ N↦N′₂) = (\ N′  PAIR _ N′) & det↦ N↦N′₁ N↦N′₂
det↦ (cong-fst M↦M′₁)   (cong-fst M↦M′₂)   = FST & det↦ M↦M′₁ M↦M′₂
det↦ (cong-snd M↦M′₁)   (cong-snd M↦M′₂)   = SND & det↦ M↦M′₁ M↦M′₂
det↦ (cong-abort M↦M′₁) (cong-abort M↦M′₂) = ABORT & det↦ M↦M′₁ M↦M′₂
det↦ (cong-left M↦M′₁)  (cong-left M↦M′₂)  = LEFT & det↦ M↦M′₁ M↦M′₂
det↦ (cong-right M↦M′₁) (cong-right M↦M′₂) = RIGHT & det↦ M↦M′₁ M↦M′₂
det↦ (cong-case M↦M′₁)  (cong-case M↦M′₂)  = (\ M′  CASE M′ _ _) & det↦ M↦M′₁ M↦M′₂
det↦ (cong-if M↦M′₁)    (cong-if M↦M′₂)    = (\ M′  IF M′ _ _) & det↦ M↦M′₁ M↦M′₂
det↦ M↦M′₁              (red M⤠M′₂)        = red-det↦ M⤠M′₂ M↦M′₁ ⁻¹

-- Small-step reduction is type-preserving.
tp↦ :  {g M M′ A}  {Γ : Types g}
                     M  M′  Γ  M  A
                     Γ  M′  A
tp↦ (red M⤠M′)        𝒟            = tp⤠ M⤠M′ 𝒟
tp↦ (cong-app₁ M↦M′)  (app 𝒟 )    = app (tp↦ M↦M′ 𝒟) 
tp↦ (cong-app₂ M↦M′)  (app 𝒟 )    = app 𝒟 (tp↦ M↦M′ )
tp↦ (cong-pair₁ M↦M′) (pair 𝒟 )   = pair (tp↦ M↦M′ 𝒟) 
tp↦ (cong-pair₂ N↦N′) (pair 𝒟 )   = pair 𝒟 (tp↦ N↦N′ )
tp↦ (cong-fst M↦M′)   (fst 𝒟)      = fst (tp↦ M↦M′ 𝒟)
tp↦ (cong-snd M↦M′)   (snd 𝒟)      = snd (tp↦ M↦M′ 𝒟)
tp↦ (cong-abort M↦M′) (abort 𝒟)    = abort (tp↦ M↦M′ 𝒟)
tp↦ (cong-left M↦M′)  (left 𝒟)     = left (tp↦ M↦M′ 𝒟)
tp↦ (cong-right M↦M′) (right 𝒟)    = right (tp↦ M↦M′ 𝒟)
tp↦ (cong-case M↦M′)  (case 𝒟  ) = case (tp↦ M↦M′ 𝒟)  
tp↦ (cong-if M↦M′)    (if 𝒟  )   = if (tp↦ M↦M′ 𝒟)  


-- `_⤅_` is the iterated small-step reduction relation.
infix 3 _⤅_
data _⤅_ {g} : Term g  Term g  Set
    -- Iterated small-step reduction is reflexive.
    done :  {M}  M  M

    -- Small-step reduction IN REVERSE preserves iterated small-step reduction.
    step :  {M M′ M″}  M  M′  M′  M″
                        M  M″

-- Iterated small-step reduction is transitive.
-- Iterated small-step reduction IN REVERSE preserves iterated small-step reduction.
steps :  {g}  {M M′ M″ : Term g}
               M  M′  M′  M″
               M  M″
steps done                M⤅M″  = M⤅M″
steps (step M↦M‴ M‴⤅M′) M′⤅M″ = step M↦M‴ (steps M‴⤅M′ M′⤅M″)

-- When reducing down to a value, the initial small step determines the subsequent small steps.
-- Small-step reduction preserves iterated small-step reduction down to a value.
unstep :  {g}  {M M′ M″ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M″}}
                M  M′  M  M″
                M′  M″
unstep M↦M′₁ (step M↦M′₂ M′₂⤅M″) with det↦ M↦M′₁ M↦M′₂
unstep M↦M′  (step _      M′⤅M″)  | refl = M′⤅M″
unstep M↦M′  done                  = M↦M′  ¬val↦

-- When reducing down to a value, iterated small-step reduction is deterministic.
det⤅ :  {g}  {M M′₁ M′₂ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M′₁}} {{_ : Val M′₂}}
               M  M′₁  M  M′₂
               M′₁  M′₂
det⤅ done                   done                = refl
det⤅ done                   (step M↦M″ M″⤅M′) = M↦M″  ¬val↦
det⤅ (step M↦M″₁ M″₁⤅M′₁) M⤅M′₂              = det⤅ M″₁⤅M′₁ (unstep M↦M″₁ M⤅M′₂)

-- Iterated small-step reduction is type-preserving.
tp⤅ :  {g M M′ A}  {Γ : Types g}
                     M  M′  Γ  M  A
                     Γ  M′  A
tp⤅ done                𝒟 = 𝒟
tp⤅ (step M↦M″ M″⤅M′) 𝒟 = tp⤅ M″⤅M′ (tp↦ M↦M″ 𝒟)

-- If `M` reduces to `M′`, then `APP M N` reduces to `APP M′ N`.
congs-app₁ :  {g}  {M M′ N : Term g}
                    M  M′
                    APP M N  APP M′ N
congs-app₁ done                = done
congs-app₁ (step M↦M″ M″⤅M′) = step (cong-app₁ M↦M″) (congs-app₁ M″⤅M′)

-- If `N` reduces to `N′`, then `APP (LAM M) N` reduces to `APP (LAM M) N′`.
congs-app₂ :  {g}  {M : Term (suc g)} {N N′ : Term g}
                    N  N′
                    APP (LAM M) N  APP (LAM M) N′
congs-app₂ done                = done
congs-app₂ (step M↦M″ M″⤅M′) = step (cong-app₂ M↦M″) (congs-app₂ M″⤅M′)

-- If `M` reduces to `M′` and `N` reduces to `N′`, then `PAIR M N` reduces to `PAIR M′ N′`.
congs-pair :  {g}  {M M′ N N′ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M′}} {{_ : Val N′}}
                    M  M′  N  N′
                    PAIR M N  PAIR M′ N′
congs-pair done                done                = done
congs-pair done                (step N↦N″ N″⤅N′) = step (cong-pair₂ N↦N″) (congs-pair done N″⤅N′)
congs-pair (step M↦M″ M″⤅M′) N⤅N′               = step (cong-pair₁ M↦M″) (congs-pair M″⤅M′ N⤅N′)

-- If `M` reduces to `M′`, then `FST M` reduces to `FST M′`.
congs-fst :  {g}  {M M′ : Term g}
                   M  M′
                   FST M  FST M′
congs-fst done                = done
congs-fst (step M↦M″ M″⤅M′) = step (cong-fst M↦M″) (congs-fst M″⤅M′)

-- If `M` reduces to `M′`, then `SND M` reduces to `SND M′`.
congs-snd :  {g}  {M M′ : Term g}
                   M  M′
                   SND M  SND M′
congs-snd done                = done
congs-snd (step M↦M″ M″⤅M′) = step (cong-snd M↦M″) (congs-snd M″⤅M′)

-- If `M` reduces to `M′`, then `LEFT M` reduces to `LEFT M′`.
congs-left :  {g}  {M M′ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M′}}
                    M  M′
                    LEFT M  LEFT M′
congs-left done                = done
congs-left (step M↦M″ M″⤅M′) = step (cong-left M↦M″) (congs-left M″⤅M′)

-- If `M` reduces to `M′`, then `RIGHT M` reduces to `RIGHT M′`.
congs-right :  {g}  {M M′ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M′}}
                     M  M′
                     RIGHT M  RIGHT M′
congs-right done                = done
congs-right (step M↦M″ M″⤅M′) = step (cong-right M↦M″) (congs-right M″⤅M′)

-- If `M` reduces to `M′`, then `IF M N O` reduces to `IF M′ N O`.
congs-if :  {g}  {M M′ N O : Term g}
                  M  M′
                  IF M N O  IF M′ N O
congs-if done                = done
congs-if (step M↦M″ M″⤅M′) = step (cong-if M↦M″) (congs-if M″⤅M′)

-- If `M` reduces to `PAIR M′ N′`, then `FST M` reduces to `M′`.
reds-fst-pair :  {g}  {M M′ N′ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M′}} {{_ : Val N′}}
                       M  PAIR M′ N′
                       FST M  M′
reds-fst-pair M⤅PAIR = steps (congs-fst M⤅PAIR) (step (red fst-pair) done)

-- If `M` reduces to `PAIR M′ N′`, then `SND M` reduces to `N′`.
reds-snd-pair :  {g}  {M M′ N′ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M′}} {{_ : Val N′}}
                       M  PAIR M′ N′
                       SND M  N′
reds-snd-pair M⤅PAIR = steps (congs-snd M⤅PAIR) (step (red snd-pair) done)

-- If `M` reduces to `TRUE` and `N` reduces to `N′`, then `IF M N O` reduces to `N′`.
reds-if-true :  {g}  {M N N′ O : Term g}
                      M  TRUE  N  N′
                      IF M N O  N′
reds-if-true M⤅TRUE N⤅N′ = steps (congs-if M⤅TRUE) (step (red if-true) N⤅N′)

-- If `M` reduces to `FALSE` and `O` reduces to `O′`, then `IF M N O` reduces to `O′`.
reds-if-false :  {g}  {M N O O′ : Term g}
                       M  FALSE  O  O′
                       IF M N O  O′
reds-if-false M⤅FALSE N⤅N′ = steps (congs-if M⤅FALSE) (step (red if-false) N⤅N′)


-- `_⇓_` is the big-step reduction relation.
infix 3 _⇓_
_⇓_ :  {g}  Term g  Term g  Set
M  M′ = M  M′ × Val M′

-- A big step can be extended with an initial small step.
-- Small-step reduction IN REVERSE preserves big-step reduction.
big-step :  {g}  {M M′ M″ : Term g}
                  M  M′  M′  M″
                  M  M″
big-step M↦M′ (M′⤅M″ , VM″) = step M↦M′ M′⤅M″ , VM″

-- The initial small step determines the subsequent big step.
-- Small-step reduction preserves big-step reduction.
big-unstep :  {g}  {M M′ M″ : Term g}
                    M  M′  M  M″
                    M′  M″
big-unstep M↦M′ (M′⤅M″ , VM″) = unstep {{VM″}} M↦M′ M′⤅M″ , VM″

-- Big-step reduction is deterministic.
det⇓ :  {g}  {M M′₁ M′₂ : Term g}
              M  M′₁  M  M′₂
              M′₁  M′₂
det⇓ (M⤅M′₁ , VM′₁) (M⤅M′₂ , VM′₂) = det⤅ {{VM′₁}} {{VM′₂}} M⤅M′₁ M⤅M′₂

-- If `M` reduces to `M′` and `N` reduces to `N′`, then `PAIR M N` reduces to `PAIR M′ N′`.
big-red-pair :  {g}  {M M′ N N′ : Term g}
                      M  M′  N  N′
                      PAIR M N  PAIR M′ N′
big-red-pair (M⤅M′ , VM′) (N⤅N′ , VN′) = congs-pair {{VM′}} {{VN′}} M⤅M′ N⤅N′ , val-pair {{VM′}} {{VN′}}

-- If `M` reduces to `PAIR M′ N′`, then `FST M` reduces to `M′`.
big-red-fst-pair :  {g}  {M M′ N′ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M′}} {{_ : Val N′}}
                          M  PAIR M′ N′
                          FST M  M′
big-red-fst-pair {{VM′}} M⤅PAIR = reds-fst-pair M⤅PAIR , VM′

-- If `M` reduces to `PAIR M′ N′`, then `SND M` reduces to `N′`.
big-red-snd-pair :  {g}  {M M′ N′ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M′}} {{_ : Val N′}}
                          M  PAIR M′ N′
                          SND M  N′
big-red-snd-pair {{_}} {{VN′}} M⤅PAIR = reds-snd-pair M⤅PAIR , VN′

-- If `M` reduces to `M′`, then `LEFT M` reduces to `LEFT M′`.
big-red-left :  {g}  {M M′ : Term g}
                      M  M′
                      LEFT M  LEFT M′
big-red-left (M⤅M′ , VM′) = congs-left {{VM′}} M⤅M′ , val-left {{VM′}}

-- If `M` reduces to `M′`, then `RIGHT M` reduces to `RIGHT M′`.
big-red-right :  {g}  {M M′ : Term g}
                       M  M′
                       RIGHT M  RIGHT M′
big-red-right (M⤅M′ , VM′) = congs-right {{VM′}} M⤅M′ , val-right {{VM′}}

-- If `M` reduces to `TRUE` and `N` reduces to `N′`, then `IF M N O` reduces to `N′`.
big-red-if-true :  {g}  {M N N′ O : Term g}
                         M  TRUE  N  N′
                         IF M N O  N′
big-red-if-true M⤅TRUE (N⤅N′ , VN′) = reds-if-true M⤅TRUE N⤅N′ , VN′

-- If `M` reduces to `FALSE` and `O` reduces to `O′`, then `IF M N O` reduces to `O′`.
big-red-if-false :  {g}  {M N O O′ : Term g}
                          M  FALSE  O  O′
                          IF M N O  O′
big-red-if-false M⤅FALSE (O⤅O′ , VO′) = reds-if-false M⤅FALSE O⤅O′ , VO′


-- `_⇓` is the CBV termination relation.
_⇓ :  {g}  Term g  Set
M  = Σ (Term _) (\ M′  M  M′)

-- Small-step reduction IN REVERSE preserves termination.
-- Reversed small-step reduction is halt-preserving.
hpr↦ :  {g}  {M M′ : Term g}
               M  M′  M′ 
hpr↦ M↦M′ (M″ , M′⇓M″) = M″ , big-step M↦M′ M′⇓M″

-- Small-step reduction preserves termination.
-- Small-step reduction is halt-preserving.
hp↦ :  {g}  {M M′ : Term g}
              M  M′  M 
hp↦ M↦M′ (M″ , M′⇓M″) = M″ , big-unstep M↦M′ M′⇓M″

-- If `M` terminates and `N` terminates, then `PAIR M N` terminates.
halt-pair :  {g}  {M N : Term g}
                   M   N 
                   PAIR M N 
halt-pair (M′ , M⇓M′) (N′ , N⇓N′) = PAIR M′ N′ , big-red-pair M⇓M′ N⇓N′

-- If `M` reduces to `PAIR M′ N′`, then `FST M` terminates.
halt-fst-pair :  {g}  {M M′ N′ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M′}} {{_ : Val N′}}
                       M  PAIR M′ N′
                       FST M 
halt-fst-pair {M′ = M′} M⤅PAIR = M′ , big-red-fst-pair M⤅PAIR

-- If `M` reduces to `PAIR M′ N′`, then `SND M` terminates.
halt-snd-pair :  {g}  {M M′ N′ : Term g}  {{_ : Val M′}} {{_ : Val N′}}
                       M  PAIR M′ N′
                       SND M 
halt-snd-pair {N′ = N′} M⤅PAIR = N′ , big-red-snd-pair M⤅PAIR

-- If `M` terminates, then `FST M` terminates.
halt-fst :  {g M A B}  {Γ : Types g}
                        Γ  M  A  B  M 
                        FST M 
halt-fst 𝒟 (M′       , M⤅M′   , VM′)       with tp⤅ M⤅M′ 𝒟
halt-fst 𝒟 (LAM _    , _       , val-lam)   | ()
halt-fst 𝒟 (PAIR _ _ , M⤅PAIR , val-pair)  | pair _ _ = halt-fst-pair M⤅PAIR
halt-fst 𝒟 (UNIT     , _       , val-unit)  | ()
halt-fst 𝒟 (LEFT _   , _       , val-left)  | ()
halt-fst 𝒟 (RIGHT _  , _       , val-right) | ()
halt-fst 𝒟 (TRUE     , _       , val-true)  | ()
halt-fst 𝒟 (FALSE    , _       , val-false) | ()

-- If `M` terminates, then `SND M` terminates.
halt-snd :  {g M A B}  {Γ : Types g}
                        Γ  M  A  B  M 
                        SND M 
halt-snd 𝒟 (M′       , M⤅M′   , VM′)       with tp⤅ M⤅M′ 𝒟
halt-snd 𝒟 (LAM _    , _       , val-lam)   | ()
halt-snd 𝒟 (PAIR _ _ , M⤅PAIR , val-pair)  | pair _ _ = halt-snd-pair M⤅PAIR
halt-snd 𝒟 (UNIT     , _       , val-unit)  | ()
halt-snd 𝒟 (LEFT _   , _       , val-left)  | ()
halt-snd 𝒟 (RIGHT _  , _       , val-right) | ()
halt-snd 𝒟 (TRUE     , _       , val-true)  | ()
halt-snd 𝒟 (FALSE    , _       , val-false) | ()

-- If `M` terminates, then `ABORT M` terminates.
halt-abort :  {g M}  {Γ : Types g}
                      Γ  M  𝟘  M 
                      ABORT M 
halt-abort 𝒟 (M′       , M⤅M′ , VM′)       with tp⤅ M⤅M′ 𝒟
halt-abort 𝒟 (LAM _    , _     , val-lam)   | ()
halt-abort 𝒟 (PAIR _ _ , _     , val-pair)  | ()
halt-abort 𝒟 (UNIT     , _     , val-unit)  | ()
halt-abort 𝒟 (LEFT _   , _     , val-left)  | ()
halt-abort 𝒟 (RIGHT _  , _     , val-right) | ()
halt-abort 𝒟 (TRUE     , _     , val-true)  | ()
halt-abort 𝒟 (FALSE    , _     , val-false) | ()

-- If `M` terminates, then `LEFT M` terminates.
halt-left :  {g}  {M : Term g}
                   LEFT M 
halt-left (M′ , M⇓M′) = LEFT M′ , big-red-left M⇓M′

-- If `M` terminates, then `RIGHT M` terminates.
halt-right :  {g}  {M : Term g}
                    RIGHT M 
halt-right (M′ , M⇓M′) = RIGHT M′ , big-red-right M⇓M′

-- If `M` reduces to `TRUE` and `N` terminates, then `IF M N O` terminates.
halt-if-true :  {g}  {M N O : Term g}
                      M  TRUE  N 
                      IF M N O 
halt-if-true M⤅TRUE (N′ , N⇓N′) = N′ , big-red-if-true M⤅TRUE N⇓N′

-- If `M` reduces to `FALSE` and `O` terminates, then `IF M N O` terminates.
halt-if-false :  {g}  {M N O : Term g}
                       M  FALSE  O 
                       IF M N O 
halt-if-false M⤅FALSE (O′ , O⇓O′) = O′ , big-red-if-false M⤅FALSE O⇓O′

-- If `M` terminates and `N` terminates and `O` terminates, then `IF M N O` terminates.
halt-if :  {g M N O}  {Γ : Types g}
                       Γ  M  𝔹  M   N   O 
                       IF M N O 
halt-if 𝒟 (M′       , M⤅M′    , VM′)       N⇓ O⇓ with tp⤅ M⤅M′ 𝒟
halt-if 𝒟 (LAM _    , _        , val-lam)   N⇓ O⇓ | ()
halt-if 𝒟 (PAIR _ _ , _        , val-pair)  N⇓ O⇓ | ()
halt-if 𝒟 (UNIT     , _        , val-unit)  N⇓ O⇓ | ()
halt-if 𝒟 (LEFT _   , _        , val-left)  N⇓ O⇓ | ()
halt-if 𝒟 (RIGHT _  , _        , val-right) N⇓ O⇓ | ()
halt-if 𝒟 (TRUE     , M⤅TRUE  , val-true)  N⇓ O⇓ | true  = halt-if-true M⤅TRUE N⇓
halt-if 𝒟 (FALSE    , M⤅FALSE , val-false) N⇓ O⇓ | false = halt-if-false M⤅FALSE O⇓

-- Every well-typed term terminates.
-- Impossible without a stronger induction hypothesis.
halt : ∀ {M A} → ∙ ⊢ M ⦂ A
               → M ⇓
halt (var ())
halt (lam 𝒟)      = LAM _ , done , val-lam
halt (app 𝒟 ℰ)    = {!!}
halt (pair 𝒟 ℰ)   = halt-pair (halt 𝒟) (halt ℰ)
halt (fst 𝒟)      = halt-fst 𝒟 (halt 𝒟)
halt (snd 𝒟)      = halt-snd 𝒟 (halt 𝒟)
halt unit         = UNIT , done , val-unit
halt (abort 𝒟)    = halt-abort 𝒟 (halt 𝒟)
halt (left 𝒟)     = halt-left (halt 𝒟)
halt (right 𝒟)    = halt-right (halt 𝒟)
halt (case 𝒟 ℰ ℱ) = {!!}
halt true         = TRUE , done , val-true
halt false        = FALSE , done , val-false
halt (if 𝒟 ℰ ℱ)   = halt-if 𝒟 (halt 𝒟) (halt ℰ) (halt ℱ)
