module A201607.IPC.Metatheory.GentzenSpinalNormalForm-HereditarySubstitution where

open import A201607.IPC.Syntax.GentzenSpinalNormalForm public

-- Hereditary substitution and reduction.

  [_≔_]ⁿᶠ_ :  {A B Γ}  (i : A  Γ)  Γ  i ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ B  Γ  i ⊢ⁿᶠ B
  [ i  s ]ⁿᶠ neⁿᶠ (spⁿᵉ j  xs y) with i ≟∈ j
  [ i  s ]ⁿᶠ neⁿᶠ (spⁿᵉ .i xs y) | same   = reduce s ([ i  s ]ˢᵖ xs) ([ i  s ]ᵗᵖ y)
  [ i  s ]ⁿᶠ neⁿᶠ (spⁿᵉ ._ xs y) | diff j = neⁿᶠ (spⁿᵉ j ([ i  s ]ˢᵖ xs) ([ i  s ]ᵗᵖ y))
  [ i  s ]ⁿᶠ lamⁿᶠ t             = lamⁿᶠ ([ pop i  mono⊢ⁿᶠ weak⊆ s ]ⁿᶠ t)
  [ i  s ]ⁿᶠ pairⁿᶠ t u          = pairⁿᶠ ([ i  s ]ⁿᶠ t) ([ i  s ]ⁿᶠ u)
  [ i  s ]ⁿᶠ unitⁿᶠ              = unitⁿᶠ
  [ i  s ]ⁿᶠ inlⁿᶠ t             = inlⁿᶠ ([ i  s ]ⁿᶠ t)
  [ i  s ]ⁿᶠ inrⁿᶠ t             = inrⁿᶠ ([ i  s ]ⁿᶠ t)

  [_≔_]ˢᵖ_ :  {A B C Γ}  (i : A  Γ)  Γ  i ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ B  C  Γ  i ⊢ˢᵖ B  C
  [ i  s ]ˢᵖ nilˢᵖ      = nilˢᵖ
  [ i  s ]ˢᵖ appˢᵖ xs u = appˢᵖ ([ i  s ]ˢᵖ xs) ([ i  s ]ⁿᶠ u)
  [ i  s ]ˢᵖ fstˢᵖ xs   = fstˢᵖ ([ i  s ]ˢᵖ xs)
  [ i  s ]ˢᵖ sndˢᵖ xs   = sndˢᵖ ([ i  s ]ˢᵖ xs)

  [_≔_]ᵗᵖ_ :  {A B C Γ}  (i : A  Γ)  Γ  i ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ ⊢ᵗᵖ B  C  Γ  i ⊢ᵗᵖ B  C
  [ i  s ]ᵗᵖ nilᵗᵖ      = nilᵗᵖ
  [ i  s ]ᵗᵖ boomᵗᵖ     = boomᵗᵖ
  [ i  s ]ᵗᵖ caseᵗᵖ u v = caseᵗᵖ u′ v′
    where u′ = [ pop i  mono⊢ⁿᶠ weak⊆ s ]ⁿᶠ u
          v′ = [ pop i  mono⊢ⁿᶠ weak⊆ s ]ⁿᶠ v

  reduce :  {A B C Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ A  B  Γ ⊢ᵗᵖ B  C  {{_ : Tyⁿᵉ C}}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ C
  reduce t                               nilˢᵖ        nilᵗᵖ        = t
  reduce (neⁿᶠ (spⁿᵉ i xs nilᵗᵖ))        nilˢᵖ        y            = neⁿᶠ (spⁿᵉ i xs y)
  reduce (neⁿᶠ (spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ))       nilˢᵖ        y            = neⁿᶠ (spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ)
  reduce (neⁿᶠ (spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ u v))) nilˢᵖ        y            = neⁿᶠ (spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ u′ v′))
    where u′ = reduce u nilˢᵖ (mono⊢ᵗᵖ weak⊆ y)
          v′ = reduce v nilˢᵖ (mono⊢ᵗᵖ weak⊆ y)
  reduce (neⁿᶠ t {{()}})                 (appˢᵖ xs u) y
  reduce (neⁿᶠ t {{()}})                 (fstˢᵖ xs)   y
  reduce (neⁿᶠ t {{()}})                 (sndˢᵖ xs)   y
  reduce (lamⁿᶠ t)                       (appˢᵖ xs u) y            = reduce ([ top  u ]ⁿᶠ t) xs y
  reduce (pairⁿᶠ t u)                    (fstˢᵖ xs)   y            = reduce t xs y
  reduce (pairⁿᶠ t u)                    (sndˢᵖ xs)   y            = reduce u xs y
  reduce (inlⁿᶠ t)                       nilˢᵖ        (caseᵗᵖ u v) = [ top  t ]ⁿᶠ u
  reduce (inrⁿᶠ t)                       nilˢᵖ        (caseᵗᵖ u v) = [ top  t ]ⁿᶠ v

-- Reduction-based normal forms.

appⁿᶠ :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  B  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ B
appⁿᶠ (neⁿᶠ t {{()}})
appⁿᶠ (lamⁿᶠ t) u = [ top  u ]ⁿᶠ t

fstⁿᶠ :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  B  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A
fstⁿᶠ (neⁿᶠ t {{()}})
fstⁿᶠ (pairⁿᶠ t u) = t

sndⁿᶠ :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  B  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ B
sndⁿᶠ (neⁿᶠ t {{()}})
sndⁿᶠ (pairⁿᶠ t u) = u

-- Useful equipment for deriving neutrals.

≪appˢᵖ :  {A B C Γ}  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ C  A  B  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ C  B
≪appˢᵖ nilˢᵖ        t = appˢᵖ nilˢᵖ t
≪appˢᵖ (appˢᵖ xs u) t = appˢᵖ (≪appˢᵖ xs t) u
≪appˢᵖ (fstˢᵖ xs)   t = fstˢᵖ (≪appˢᵖ xs t)
≪appˢᵖ (sndˢᵖ xs)   t = sndˢᵖ (≪appˢᵖ xs t)

≪fstˢᵖ :  {A B C Γ}  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ C  A  B  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ C  A
≪fstˢᵖ nilˢᵖ        = fstˢᵖ nilˢᵖ
≪fstˢᵖ (appˢᵖ xs u) = appˢᵖ (≪fstˢᵖ xs) u
≪fstˢᵖ (fstˢᵖ xs)   = fstˢᵖ (≪fstˢᵖ xs)
≪fstˢᵖ (sndˢᵖ xs)   = sndˢᵖ (≪fstˢᵖ xs)

≪sndˢᵖ :  {A B C Γ}  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ C  A  B  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ C  B
≪sndˢᵖ nilˢᵖ        = sndˢᵖ nilˢᵖ
≪sndˢᵖ (appˢᵖ xs u) = appˢᵖ (≪sndˢᵖ xs) u
≪sndˢᵖ (fstˢᵖ xs)   = fstˢᵖ (≪sndˢᵖ xs)
≪sndˢᵖ (sndˢᵖ xs)   = sndˢᵖ (≪sndˢᵖ xs)

-- Derived neutrals.

varⁿᵉ :  {A Γ}  A  Γ  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ A
varⁿᵉ i = spⁿᵉ i nilˢᵖ nilᵗᵖ

appⁿᵉ :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ A  B  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ B
appⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs nilᵗᵖ)        t = spⁿᵉ i (≪appˢᵖ xs t) nilᵗᵖ
appⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ)       t = spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ
appⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ u v)) t = spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ u′ v′)
  where u′ = appⁿᶠ u (mono⊢ⁿᶠ weak⊆ t)
        v′ = appⁿᶠ v (mono⊢ⁿᶠ weak⊆ t)

fstⁿᵉ :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ A  B  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ A
fstⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs nilᵗᵖ)        = spⁿᵉ i (≪fstˢᵖ xs) nilᵗᵖ
fstⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ)       = spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ
fstⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ u v)) = spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ (fstⁿᶠ u) (fstⁿᶠ v))

sndⁿᵉ :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ A  B  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ B
sndⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs nilᵗᵖ)        = spⁿᵉ i (≪sndˢᵖ xs) nilᵗᵖ
sndⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ)       = spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ
sndⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ u v)) = spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ (sndⁿᶠ u) (sndⁿᶠ v))

-- Iterated expansion.

expand :  {A Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ A  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A
expand {α P}   t = neⁿᶠ t {{α P}}
expand {A  B} t = lamⁿᶠ (expand (appⁿᵉ (mono⊢ⁿᵉ weak⊆ t) (expand (varⁿᵉ top))))
expand {A  B} t = pairⁿᶠ (expand (fstⁿᵉ t)) (expand (sndⁿᵉ t))
expand {}    t = unitⁿᶠ
expand {}    t = neⁿᶠ t {{}}
expand {A  B} t = neⁿᶠ t {{A  B}}

-- Expansion-based normal forms.

varⁿᶠ :  {A Γ}  A  Γ  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A
varⁿᶠ i = expand (varⁿᵉ i)

  boomⁿᶠ :  {C Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ   Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ C
  boomⁿᶠ (neⁿᶠ t) = expand (boomⁿᵉ t)

  boomⁿᵉ :  {C Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ   Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ C
  boomⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs nilᵗᵖ)        = spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ
  boomⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ)       = spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ
  boomⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ u v)) = spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ (boomⁿᶠ u) (boomⁿᶠ v))

  caseⁿᶠ :  {A B C Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  B  Γ , A ⊢ⁿᶠ C  Γ , B ⊢ⁿᶠ C  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ C
  caseⁿᶠ (neⁿᶠ t)  u v = expand (caseⁿᵉ t u v)
  caseⁿᶠ (inlⁿᶠ t) u v = [ top  t ]ⁿᶠ u
  caseⁿᶠ (inrⁿᶠ t) u v = [ top  t ]ⁿᶠ v

  caseⁿᵉ :  {A B C Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ A  B  Γ , A ⊢ⁿᶠ C  Γ , B ⊢ⁿᶠ C  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ C
  caseⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs nilᵗᵖ)          u v = spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ u v)
  caseⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ)         u v = spⁿᵉ i xs boomᵗᵖ
  caseⁿᵉ (spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ tᵤ tᵥ)) u v = spⁿᵉ i xs (caseᵗᵖ u′ v′)
    where u′ = caseⁿᶠ tᵤ (mono⊢ⁿᶠ (keep weak⊆) u) (mono⊢ⁿᶠ (keep weak⊆) v)
          v′ = caseⁿᶠ tᵥ (mono⊢ⁿᶠ (keep weak⊆) u) (mono⊢ⁿᶠ (keep weak⊆) v)

-- Translation from terms to normal forms.

tm→nf :  {A Γ}  Γ  A  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A
tm→nf (var i)      = varⁿᶠ i
tm→nf (lam t)      = lamⁿᶠ (tm→nf t)
tm→nf (app t u)    = appⁿᶠ (tm→nf t) (tm→nf u)
tm→nf (pair t u)   = pairⁿᶠ (tm→nf t) (tm→nf u)
tm→nf (fst t)      = fstⁿᶠ (tm→nf t)
tm→nf (snd t)      = sndⁿᶠ (tm→nf t)
tm→nf unit         = unitⁿᶠ
tm→nf (boom t)     = boomⁿᶠ (tm→nf t)
tm→nf (inl t)      = inlⁿᶠ (tm→nf t)
tm→nf (inr t)      = inrⁿᶠ (tm→nf t)
tm→nf (case t u v) = caseⁿᶠ (tm→nf t) (tm→nf u) (tm→nf v)

-- Normalisation by hereditary substitution.

norm :  {A Γ}  Γ  A  Γ  A
norm = nf→tm  tm→nf