-- Intuitionistic propositional calculus.
-- Gentzen-style formalisation of syntax.
-- Normal forms, neutrals, and spines.

module A201607.IPC.Syntax.GentzenSpinalNormalForm where

open import A201607.IPC.Syntax.Gentzen public

-- Commuting propositions for neutrals.

data Tyⁿᵉ : Ty  Set where
  α_  : (P : Atom)  Tyⁿᵉ (α P)
    : Tyⁿᵉ 
  _∨_ : (A B : Ty)  Tyⁿᵉ (A  B)

-- Derivations.

  -- Normal forms, or introductions.
  infix 3 _⊢ⁿᶠ_
  data _⊢ⁿᶠ_ (Γ : Cx Ty) : Ty  Set where
    neⁿᶠ   :  {A}    Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ A  {{_ : Tyⁿᵉ A}}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A
    lamⁿᶠ  :  {A B}  Γ , A ⊢ⁿᶠ B  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  B
    pairⁿᶠ :  {A B}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ B  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  B
    unitⁿᶠ : Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ 
    inlⁿᶠ  :  {A B}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  B
    inrⁿᶠ  :  {A B}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ B  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  B

  -- Neutrals, or eliminations.
  infix 3 _⊢ⁿᵉ_
  data _⊢ⁿᵉ_ (Γ : Cx Ty) : Ty  Set where
    spⁿᵉ :  {A B C}  A  Γ  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ A  B  Γ ⊢ᵗᵖ B  C  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ C

  -- Spines.
  infix 3 _⊢ˢᵖ_⦙_
  data _⊢ˢᵖ_⦙_ (Γ : Cx Ty) : Ty  Ty  Set where
    nilˢᵖ :  {C}      Γ ⊢ˢᵖ C  C
    appˢᵖ :  {A B C}  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ B  C  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ A  B  C
    fstˢᵖ :  {A B C}  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ A  C  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ A  B  C
    sndˢᵖ :  {A B C}  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ B  C  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ A  B  C

  -- Spine tips.
  infix 3 _⊢ᵗᵖ_⦙_
  data _⊢ᵗᵖ_⦙_ (Γ : Cx Ty) : Ty  Ty  Set where
    nilᵗᵖ  :  {C}      Γ ⊢ᵗᵖ C  C
    boomᵗᵖ :  {C}      Γ ⊢ᵗᵖ   C
    caseᵗᵖ :  {A B C}  Γ , A ⊢ⁿᶠ C  Γ , B ⊢ⁿᶠ C  Γ ⊢ᵗᵖ A  B  C

-- Translation to simple terms.

  nf→tm :  {A Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ  A
  nf→tm (neⁿᶠ t)     = ne→tm t
  nf→tm (lamⁿᶠ t)    = lam (nf→tm t)
  nf→tm (pairⁿᶠ t u) = pair (nf→tm t) (nf→tm u)
  nf→tm unitⁿᶠ       = unit
  nf→tm (inlⁿᶠ t)    = inl (nf→tm t)
  nf→tm (inrⁿᶠ t)    = inr (nf→tm t)

  ne→tm :  {A Γ}  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ A  Γ  A
  ne→tm (spⁿᵉ i xs y) = tp→tm (var i) xs y

  sp→tm :  {A C Γ}  Γ  A  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ A  C  Γ  C
  sp→tm t nilˢᵖ        = t
  sp→tm t (appˢᵖ xs u) = sp→tm (app t (nf→tm u)) xs
  sp→tm t (fstˢᵖ xs)   = sp→tm (fst t) xs
  sp→tm t (sndˢᵖ xs)   = sp→tm (snd t) xs

  tp→tm :  {A B C Γ}  Γ  A  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ A  B  Γ ⊢ᵗᵖ B  C  Γ  C
  tp→tm t xs nilᵗᵖ        = sp→tm t xs
  tp→tm t xs boomᵗᵖ       = boom (sp→tm t xs)
  tp→tm t xs (caseᵗᵖ u v) = case (sp→tm t xs) (nf→tm u) (nf→tm v)

-- Monotonicity with respect to context inclusion.

  mono⊢ⁿᶠ :  {A Γ Γ′}  Γ  Γ′  Γ ⊢ⁿᶠ A  Γ′ ⊢ⁿᶠ A
  mono⊢ⁿᶠ η (neⁿᶠ t)     = neⁿᶠ (mono⊢ⁿᵉ η t)
  mono⊢ⁿᶠ η (lamⁿᶠ t)    = lamⁿᶠ (mono⊢ⁿᶠ (keep η) t)
  mono⊢ⁿᶠ η (pairⁿᶠ t u) = pairⁿᶠ (mono⊢ⁿᶠ η t) (mono⊢ⁿᶠ η u)
  mono⊢ⁿᶠ η unitⁿᶠ       = unitⁿᶠ
  mono⊢ⁿᶠ η (inlⁿᶠ t)    = inlⁿᶠ (mono⊢ⁿᶠ η t)
  mono⊢ⁿᶠ η (inrⁿᶠ t)    = inrⁿᶠ (mono⊢ⁿᶠ η t)

  mono⊢ⁿᵉ :  {A Γ Γ′}  Γ  Γ′  Γ ⊢ⁿᵉ A  Γ′ ⊢ⁿᵉ A
  mono⊢ⁿᵉ η (spⁿᵉ i xs y) = spⁿᵉ (mono∈ η i) (mono⊢ˢᵖ η xs) (mono⊢ᵗᵖ η y)

  mono⊢ˢᵖ :  {A C Γ Γ′}  Γ  Γ′  Γ ⊢ˢᵖ A  C  Γ′ ⊢ˢᵖ A  C
  mono⊢ˢᵖ η nilˢᵖ        = nilˢᵖ
  mono⊢ˢᵖ η (appˢᵖ xs u) = appˢᵖ (mono⊢ˢᵖ η xs) (mono⊢ⁿᶠ η u)
  mono⊢ˢᵖ η (fstˢᵖ xs)   = fstˢᵖ (mono⊢ˢᵖ η xs)
  mono⊢ˢᵖ η (sndˢᵖ xs)   = sndˢᵖ (mono⊢ˢᵖ η xs)

  mono⊢ᵗᵖ :  {A C Γ Γ′}  Γ  Γ′  Γ ⊢ᵗᵖ A  C  Γ′ ⊢ᵗᵖ A  C
  mono⊢ᵗᵖ η nilᵗᵖ        = nilᵗᵖ
  mono⊢ᵗᵖ η boomᵗᵖ       = boomᵗᵖ
  mono⊢ᵗᵖ η (caseᵗᵖ u v) = caseᵗᵖ (mono⊢ⁿᶠ (keep η) u) (mono⊢ⁿᶠ (keep η) v)