-- The Agda standard library
-- Induction over Fin

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Data.Fin.Induction where

open import Data.Nat using ()
open import Data.Nat.Induction using (<′-wellFounded)
open import Data.Fin using (_≺_)
open import Data.Fin.Properties
open import Induction
open import Induction.WellFounded as WF

-- Re-export accessability

open WF public using (Acc; acc)

-- Complete induction based on _≺_

≺-Rec :  {}  RecStruct   
≺-Rec = WfRec _≺_

≺-wellFounded : WellFounded _≺_
≺-wellFounded = Subrelation.wellFounded ≺⇒<′ <′-wellFounded

module _ {} where
  open WF.All ≺-wellFounded  public
    ( wfRecBuilder to ≺-recBuilder
    ; wfRec        to ≺-rec
    hiding (wfRec-builder)

-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

-- Version 0.15

≺-rec-builder    = ≺-recBuilder
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE ≺-rec-builder
"Warning: ≺-rec-builder was deprecated in v0.15.
Please use ≺-recBuilder instead."
≺-well-founded   = ≺-wellFounded
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE ≺-well-founded
"Warning: ≺-well-founded was deprecated in v0.15.
Please use ≺-wellFounded instead."