-- The Agda standard library
-- The Cowriter type and some operations

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe --sized-types #-}

module Codata.Cowriter where

open import Size
import Level as L
open import Codata.Thunk using (Thunk; force)
open import Codata.Conat
open import Codata.Delay using (Delay; later; now)
open import Codata.Stream as Stream using (Stream; _∷_)

open import Data.Unit
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty using (List⁺; _∷_)
open import Data.Nat.Base as Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product as Prod using (_×_; _,_)
open import Data.Sum as Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Data.BoundedVec as BVec using (BoundedVec)
open import Function

data Cowriter {w a} (W : Set w) (A : Set a) (i : Size) : Set (a L.⊔ w) where
  [_] : A  Cowriter W A i
  _∷_ : W  Thunk (Cowriter W A) i  Cowriter W A i

-- Relationship to Delay.

module _ {a} {A : Set a} where

  fromDelay :  {i}  Delay A i  Cowriter  A i
  fromDelay (now a)    = [ a ]
  fromDelay (later da) = _  λ where .force  fromDelay (da .force)

module _ {w a} {W : Set w} {A : Set a} where

  toDelay :  {i}  Cowriter W A i  Delay A i
  toDelay [ a ]    = now a
  toDelay (_  ca) = later λ where .force  toDelay (ca .force)

-- Basic functions.

  fromStream :  {i}  Stream W i  Cowriter W A i
  fromStream (w  ws) = w  λ where .force  fromStream (ws .force)

  repeat : W  Cowriter W A 
  repeat = fromStream ∘′ Stream.repeat

  length :  {i}  Cowriter W A i  Conat i
  length [ _ ]    = zero
  length (w  cw) = suc λ where .force  length (cw .force)

  splitAt :  (n : )  Cowriter W A   (Vec W n × Cowriter W A )  (BoundedVec W n × A)
  splitAt zero    cw       = inj₁ ([] , cw)
  splitAt (suc n) [ a ]    = inj₂ (BVec.[] , a)
  splitAt (suc n) (w  cw) = Sum.map (Prod.map₁ (w ∷_)) (Prod.map₁ (w BVec.∷_))
                           $ splitAt n (cw .force)

  take :  (n : )  Cowriter W A   Vec W n  (BoundedVec W n × A)
  take n = Sum.map₁ Prod.proj₁ ∘′ splitAt n

  infixr 5 _++_ _⁺++_
  _++_ :  {i}  List W  Cowriter W A i  Cowriter W A i
  []       ++ ca = ca
  (w  ws) ++ ca = w  λ where .force  ws ++ ca

  _⁺++_ :  {i}  List⁺ W  Thunk (Cowriter W A) i  Cowriter W A i
  (w  ws) ⁺++ ca = w  λ where .force  ws ++ ca .force

  concat :  {i}  Cowriter (List⁺ W) A i  Cowriter W A i
  concat [ a ]    = [ a ]
  concat (w  ca) = w ⁺++ λ where .force  concat (ca .force)

module _ {w x a b} {W : Set w} {X : Set x} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where

-- Functor, Applicative and Monad

  map :  {i}  (W  X)  (A  B)  Cowriter W A i  Cowriter X B i
  map f g [ a ]    = [ g a ]
  map f g (w  cw) = f w  λ where .force  map f g (cw .force)

module _ {w a r} {W : Set w} {A : Set a} {R : Set r} where

  map₁ :  {i}  (W  R)  Cowriter W A i  Cowriter R A i
  map₁ f = map f id

  map₂ :  {i}  (A  R)  Cowriter W A i  Cowriter W R i
  map₂ = map id

  ap :  {i}  Cowriter W (A  R) i  Cowriter W A i  Cowriter W R i
  ap [ f ]    ca = map₂ f ca
  ap (w  cf) ca = w  λ where .force  ap (cf .force) ca

  _>>=_ :  {i}  Cowriter W A i  (A  Cowriter W R i)  Cowriter W R i
  [ a ]    >>= f = f a
  (w  ca) >>= f = w  λ where .force  ca .force >>= f

-- Construction.

module _ {w s a} {W : Set w} {S : Set s} {A : Set a} where

  unfold :  {i}  (S  (W × S)  A)  S  Cowriter W A i
  unfold next seed with next seed
  ... | inj₁ (w , seed') = w  λ where .force  unfold next seed'
  ... | inj₂ a           = [ a ]