-- Properties of SS-H

module A201903.4-7-Properties-SmallStep-H where

open import A201903.2-2-Semantics-SmallStep
open H public

-- SS-H contains SS-CBN

cbn-app₁ :  {n} {e₁ e₂ : Tm n} {e₁′}  e₁ CBN.⇒ e₁′  app e₁ e₂  app e₁′ e₂
cbn-app₁ CBN.applam    = app₁ app applam
cbn-app₁ (CBN.app₁ r₁) = app₁ app (cbn-app₁ r₁)

h←cbn :  {n} {e : Tm n} {e′}  e CBN.⇒ e′  e  e′
h←cbn CBN.applam    = applam
h←cbn (CBN.app₁ r₁) = cbn-app₁ r₁

-- SS-H contains SS-H₂

h←h₂ :  {n} {e : Tm n} {e′}  e H₂.⇒ e′  e  e′
h←h₂ (H₂.cbn-lam ¬p r) = lam (h←cbn r)
h←h₂ (H₂.lam p r)      = lam (h←h₂ r)
h←h₂ (H₂.app₁ p₁ r₁)   = app₁ (na←naxnf p₁) (h←h₂ r₁)

-- Every term is either SS-H-reducible or HNF

data RF? {n} : Pred₀ (Tm n) where
  yes :  {e}  RF e  RF? e
  no  :  {e}  HNF e  RF? e

rf? :  {n} (e : Tm n)  RF? e
rf? (var s x)              = no (hnf var)
rf? (lam s e)              with rf? e
... | yes (_ , r)          = yes (_ , lam r)
... | no p                 = no (lam p)
rf? (app e₁ e₂)            with rf? e₁
... | yes (_ , applam)     = yes (_ , app₁ app applam)
... | yes (_ , lam r₁)     = yes (_ , applam)
... | yes (_ , app₁ p₁ r₁) = yes (_ , app₁ app (app₁ p₁ r₁))
... | no (lam p₁)          = yes (_ , applam)
... | no (hnf p₁)          = no (hnf (app p₁))

-- Every term has a potentially-infinite sequence of SS-H reductions that may terminate at a HNF

eval :  {n i} (e : Tm n)  e ᶜᵒ⇓[ HNF ]⟨ i 
eval e            with rf? e
... | yes (_ , r) = r  λ where .force  eval _
... | no p        = ε p

-- SS-H does not reduce HNF

hnf←nrf :  {n} {e : Tm n}  NRF e  HNF e
hnf←nrf p        with rf? _
... | yes (_ , r) = r  p
... | no p′       = p′

nrf←naxnf :  {n} {e : Tm n}  NAXNF e  NRF e
nrf←naxnf var      = λ ()
nrf←naxnf (app p₁) = λ { (applam)       case p₁ of λ ()
                        ; (app₁ p₁′ r₁)  r₁  nrf←naxnf p₁ }

nrf←hnf :  {n} {e : Tm n}  HNF e  NRF e
nrf←hnf (lam p) = λ { (lam r)  r  nrf←hnf p }
nrf←hnf (hnf p) = nrf←naxnf p

-- SS-H is unique

rev-applam :  {n s} {e₁ : Tm (suc n)} {e₂ : Tm n} {e′} 
             (r : app (lam s e₁) e₂  e′) 
             (Σ (e′  e₁ [ e₂ ]) λ { refl 
               r  applam })
rev-applam applam       = refl , refl
rev-applam (app₁ () r₁)

uniq-⇒ : Unique _⇒_
uniq-⇒ {e = var _ _}         ()           ()
uniq-⇒ {e = lam _ _}         (lam r)      (lam r′)       = lam & uniq-⇒ r r′
uniq-⇒ {e = app (var _ _) _} (app₁ p₁ ()) r′
uniq-⇒ {e = app (lam _ _) _} applam       r′             with rev-applam r′
... | refl , refl                                         = refl
uniq-⇒ {e = app (lam _ _) _} (app₁ () r₁) r′
uniq-⇒ {e = app (app _ _) _} (app₁ p₁ r₁) (app₁ p₁′ r₁′) = app₁ & uniq-na p₁ p₁′  uniq-⇒ r₁ r₁′

-- SS-H is deterministic, confluent and gives rise to deterministic evaluation to NRF

det-⇒ : Deterministic _⇒_
det-⇒ applam       applam         = refl
det-⇒ applam       (app₁ () r₁′)
det-⇒ (lam r)      (lam r′)       = lam & refl  det-⇒ r r′
det-⇒ (app₁ () r₁) applam
det-⇒ (app₁ p₁ r₁) (app₁ p₁′ r₁′) = app & det-⇒ r₁ r₁′  refl

conf-⇒ : Confluent _⇒_
conf-⇒ = cor-conf-⇒ det-⇒

det-⇓-nrf : Deterministic _⇓[ NRF ]_
det-⇓-nrf = cor-det-⇓-nrf det-⇒

-- SS-H preserves HNF

naxnf-⇒ :  {n} {e : Tm n} {e′}  NAXNF e  e  e′  NAXNF e′
naxnf-⇒ var      ()
naxnf-⇒ (app ()) applam
naxnf-⇒ (app p₁) (app₁ p₁′ r₁) = r₁  nrf←naxnf p₁

hnf-⇒ :  {n} {e : Tm n} {e′}  HNF e  e  e′  HNF e′
hnf-⇒ (lam p) (lam r) = r  nrf←hnf p
hnf-⇒ (hnf p) r       = hnf (naxnf-⇒ p r)
