
module A201901.Prelude where

open import Agda.Builtin.FromString public
  using (IsString ; fromString)

open import Data.Bool public
  using (_∧_ ; Bool ; T ; false ; not ; true)

open import Data.Empty public
  using ( ; ⊥-elim)

open import Data.List public
  using (List ; [] ; _∷_)

open import Data.Nat public
  using (_≤_ ; _≤′_ ; _<_ ; _+_ ; _⊔_ ; ≤′-refl ; ≤′-step ; s≤s ; suc ; z≤n ; zero)
  renaming ( to Nat)

open import Data.Nat.Properties public
  using (module ≤-Reasoning ; ≤-refl ; ≤-step ; ≤-trans ; +-comm ; +-mono-≤ ; +-monoˡ-≤
        ; m≤m+n ; m≤n+m ; m≤m⊔n ; n≤m⊔n ; s≤′s ; z≤′n)
open ≤-Reasoning public

open import Data.Product public
  using (_×_ ; _,_ ; Σ ;  ; proj₁ ; proj₂)

open import Data.String public
  using (String)

import Data.String.Properties as String

open import Data.Sum public
  using (_⊎_ ; inj₁ ; inj₂)

open import Data.Unit public
  using ( ; tt)

open import Function public
  using (_∘_ ; case_of_ ; _on_)

open import Induction.Nat public
  using (<-wellFounded)

open import Induction.WellFounded public
  using (module All ; WellFounded ; acc)
  renaming (module Inverse-image to InverseImage ; Acc to Accessible ; WfRec to Below)

open import Level public
  using ()
  renaming (_⊔_ to _⊔ᴸ_ ; 0ℓ to 0ᴸ ; suc to sucᴸ)

open import Relation.Binary public
  using (Decidable ; Reflexive ; Rel ; Transitive)

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality public
  using (_≡_ ; _≢_ ; refl)
  renaming (cong to _&_ ; sym to _⁻¹ ; isEquivalence to ≡-isEquivalence)

import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive as Star
open Star public
  using (_◅_ ; _◅◅_ ; ε)
  renaming (Star to _*)

open import Relation.Nullary public
  using (¬_ ; Dec ; no ; yes)

open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable public
  using (⌊_⌋)

open import Relation.Nullary.Negation public
  using (contraposition)
  renaming (contradiction to _↯_)

open import Relation.Unary public
  using (Pred)

-- Miscellaneous

_↔_ :  {a b}  Set a  Set b  Set _
A  B = (A  B) × (B  A)

infixl 8 _⊗_
_⊗_ :  {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {f g : A  B} {x y : A} 
      f  g  x  y  f x  g y
refl  refl = refl

coerce :  {} {A B : Set }  A  A  B  B
coerce x refl = x

Pred₀ :  {a}  Set a  Set _
Pred₀ A = Pred A 0ᴸ

Rel₀ :  {a}  Set a  Set _
Rel₀ A = Rel A 0ᴸ

record HasDecidableEquality {a} (A : Set a) : Set a where
    _≟_ : Decidable {A = A} _≡_

open HasDecidableEquality {{...}} public

-- Data.Bool extras

T-Decidable :  {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b}  (A  B  Bool)  Set _
T-Decidable _∼_ =  x y  Dec (T (x  y))

T-dec :  {p}  Dec (T p)
T-dec {true}  = yes tt
T-dec {false} = no λ ()

T-pair :  {p q}  T p  T q  T (p  q)
T-pair {true}  tt T⟨q⟩ = T⟨q⟩
T-pair {false} () T⟨q⟩

T-fst :  {p q}  T (p  q)  T p
T-fst {true}  T⟨q⟩ = tt
T-fst {false} ()

T-snd :  {p q}  T (p  q)  T q
T-snd {true}  T⟨q⟩ = T⟨q⟩
T-snd {false} ()

T-push :  {p}  ¬ T p  T (not p)
T-push {true}  ¬T⟨p⟩ = tt  ¬T⟨p⟩
T-push {false} ¬T⟨p⟩ = tt

T-pull :  {p}  T (not p)  ¬ T p
T-pull {true}  ()
T-pull {false} tt = λ ()

-- Data.Nat extras

m≤m+n+o :  m n o  m  m + n + o
m≤m+n+o m n o = ≤-trans (m≤m+n m n) (m≤m+n (m + n) o)

n≤m+n+o :  m n o  n  m + n + o
n≤m+n+o m n o = ≤-trans (m≤n+m n m) (m≤m+n (m + n) o)

o≤m+n+o :  m n o  o  m + n + o
o≤m+n+o m n o = m≤n+m o (m + n)

m≤m⊔n⊔o :  m n o  m  m  n  o
m≤m⊔n⊔o m n o = ≤-trans (m≤m⊔n m n) (m≤m⊔n (m  n) o)

n≤m⊔n⊔o :  m n o  n  m  n  o
n≤m⊔n⊔o m n o = ≤-trans (n≤m⊔n m n) (m≤m⊔n (m  n) o)

o≤m⊔n⊔o :  m n o  o  m  n  o
o≤m⊔n⊔o m n o = n≤m⊔n (m  n) o

-- Data.Star extras

pattern _◅⟨_⟩_ r y rs = _◅_ {_} {y} {_} r rs

_◅ʳ_ :  {a } {A : Set a} {R : Rel A } 
        {x y z}  (R *) x y  R y z  (R *) x z
R*xy ◅ʳ Ryz = R*xy ◅◅ (Ryz  ε)

map :  {a } {A : Set a} {R : Rel A } {f : A  A} 
      (∀ {x y}  R x y  R (f x) (f y)) 
       {x y}  (R *) x y  (R *) (f x) (f y)
map {f = f} = Star.gmap f

-- Induction.WellFounded extras

-- Below : ∀ {a p ℓ} {A : Set a} → Rel A ℓ → Pred A p → A → Set _
-- Below _<_ P x = ∀ y → y < x → P y

Closed :  {a p } {A : Set a}  Rel A   Pred A p  Set _
Closed _<_ P =  x  Below _<_ P x  P x

AccessibleBelow :  {a } {A : Set a}  Rel A   A  Set _
AccessibleBelow _<_ x = Below _<_ (Accessible _<_) x

-- WellFounded : ∀ {a ℓ} {A : Set a} → Rel A ℓ → Set _
-- WellFounded _<_ = ∀ x → Accessible _<_ x

WellFoundedBelow :  {a } {A : Set a}  Rel A   Set _
WellFoundedBelow _<_ =  x  AccessibleBelow _<_ x

InductionPrinciple :  {a p } {A : Set a}  Rel A   Pred A p  Set _
InductionPrinciple _<_ P = Closed _<_ P   x  P x

indWith :  {a p } {A : Set a} {_<_ : Rel A } {P : Pred A p}  WellFounded _<_  InductionPrinciple _<_ P
indWith {P = P} wf = All.wfRec wf _ P

-- Unique lists, or set-like containers

  infixr 5 _∷_
  data UniqueList {a} (A : Set a) {{_ : HasDecidableEquality A}} : Set a where
    []  : UniqueList A
    _∷_ : (x : A) (xs : UniqueList A) {{_ : T (xs  x)}}  UniqueList A

  infix 4 _≠_
  _≠_ :  {a} {A : Set a} {{_ : HasDecidableEquality A}}  A  A  Bool
  x  y = not  x  y 

  infix 4 _∌_
  _∌_ :  {a} {A : Set a} {{_ : HasDecidableEquality A}}  UniqueList A  A  Bool
  []        y = true
  (x  xs)  y = (x  y)  (xs  y)

module _ {a} {A : Set a} {{_ : HasDecidableEquality A}}
    [_] : A  UniqueList A
    [ x ] = x  []

    length : UniqueList A  Nat
    length []       = 0
    length (x  xs) = 1 + length xs

    _T⟨∌⟩?_ : T-Decidable (_∌_ {A = A})
    xs T⟨∌⟩? x = T-dec

    module OperatorWith
        (∅○ys               : UniqueList A  UniqueList A)
        (T⟨ys∌z⟩→T⟨∅○ys∌z⟩ :  {ys z}  T (ys  z)  T (∅○ys ys  z))
          infixl 5 _○_
          _○_ : UniqueList A  UniqueList A  UniqueList A
          []                      ys = ∅○ys ys
          ((x  xs) {{T⟨xs∌x⟩}})  ys with ys T⟨∌⟩? x
          ... | yes T⟨ys∌x⟩ = (x  (xs  ys)) {{○-preserves-∌ {xs} T⟨xs∌x⟩ T⟨ys∌x⟩}}
          ... | no ¬T⟨ys∌x⟩ = xs  ys

          ○-preserves-∌ :  {xs ys z}  T (xs  z)  T (ys  z)  T (xs  ys  z)
          ○-preserves-∌ {[]}     {ys} tt          T⟨ys∌z⟩ = T⟨ys∌z⟩→T⟨∅○ys∌z⟩ T⟨ys∌z⟩
          ○-preserves-∌ {x  xs} {ys} T⟨x≉z∧xs∌z⟩ T⟨ys∌z⟩ with T-fst T⟨x≉z∧xs∌z⟩ | T-snd T⟨x≉z∧xs∌z⟩
          ... | T⟨x≉z⟩ | T⟨xs∌z⟩                          with ys T⟨∌⟩? x
          ... | yes T⟨ys∌x⟩                               = T-pair T⟨x≉z⟩ (○-preserves-∌ {xs} T⟨xs∌z⟩ T⟨ys∌z⟩)
          ... | no ¬T⟨ys∌x⟩                               = ○-preserves-∌ {xs} T⟨xs∌z⟩ T⟨ys∌z⟩

    open OperatorWith  ys  ys)  T⟨ys∌z⟩  T⟨ys∌z⟩) public
      renaming (_○_ to _∪_ ; ○-preserves-∌ to ∪-preserves-∌)

    open OperatorWith  _  [])  _  tt) public
      renaming (_○_ to _∖_ ; ○-preserves-∌ to ∖-preserves-∌)

    length-triangular :  xs ys  length (xs  ys)  length xs + length ys
    length-triangular []       ys = ≤-refl
    length-triangular (x  xs) ys with ys T⟨∌⟩? x
    ... | yes _ = s≤s (length-triangular xs ys)
    ... | no _  = ≤-step (length-triangular xs ys)

    length-untitled :  xs ys  length (xs  ys)  length xs
    length-untitled []       ys = ≤-refl
    length-untitled (x  xs) ys with ys T⟨∌⟩? x
    ... | yes _ = s≤s (length-untitled xs ys)
    ... | no _  = ≤-step (length-untitled xs ys)

    _⊆_ : UniqueList A  UniqueList A  Bool
    []        ys = true
    (x  xs)  ys = not (ys  x)  xs  ys

    _T⟨⊆⟩?_ : T-Decidable _⊆_
    xs T⟨⊆⟩? ys = T-dec

-- String-based names

data Name : Set₀ where
  name : String  Name

_≟ᴺ_ : Decidable {A = Name} _≡_
name x ≟ᴺ name y with x String.≟ y
... | yes refl = yes refl
... | no x≢y   = no λ where refl  refl  x≢y

  Name-hasDecidableEquality : HasDecidableEquality Name
  Name-hasDecidableEquality = record { _≟_ = _≟ᴺ_ }

  Name-isString : IsString Name
  Name-isString = record
    { Constraint = λ s  
    ; fromString = λ s  name s
