-- Based on http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/atp/handouts/ch3-seqcalc.pdf

-- NOTE: The direction of ₗ/ᵣ in previous code is wrong compared to Pfenning

-- NOTE: The direction of ⇑/⇓ in previous code is wrong compared to Filinski

module A201801.SequentCalculusDraft where

open import A201801.Prelude
open import A201801.Category
open import A201801.List
open import A201801.ListLemmas
open import A201801.AllList
open import A201801.FullIPLPropositions
open import A201801.FullIPLDerivations hiding (cut)


-- Function-based inclusion

infix 4 _⊒_
_⊒_ :  {X}  List X  List X  Set
Ξ′  Ξ =  {A}  Ξ  A  Ξ′  A

bot⊒ :  {X}  {Ξ : List X}
bot⊒ {Ξ = }     ()
bot⊒ {Ξ = Ξ , A} i = suc (bot⊒ i)

keep⊒ :  {X A}  {Ξ Ξ′ : List X}
                 Ξ′  Ξ
                 Ξ′ , A  Ξ , A
keep⊒ η zero    = zero
keep⊒ η (suc i) = suc (η i)

ex⊒ :  {X A B}  {Ξ : List X}
                 (Ξ , B) , A  (Ξ , A) , B
ex⊒ zero          = suc zero
ex⊒ (suc zero)    = zero
ex⊒ (suc (suc i)) = suc (suc i)

ct⊒ :  {X A}  {Ξ : List X}
               Ξ , A   (Ξ , A) , A
ct⊒ zero          = zero
ct⊒ (suc zero)    = zero
ct⊒ (suc (suc i)) = suc i

unct⊒ :  {X A}  {Ξ : List X}
                 (Ξ , A) , A  Ξ , A
unct⊒ zero    = zero
unct⊒ (suc i) = suc (suc i)

wk⊒ :  {X A}  {Ξ : List X}
               Ξ , A  Ξ
wk⊒ i = suc i

genct⊒ :  {X A}  {Ξ : List X}
                  Ξ  A
                  Ξ  Ξ , A
genct⊒ i zero    = i
genct⊒ i (suc j) = j


-- McBride's context deletions

_-_ :  {X A}  (Ξ : List X)  Ξ  A  List X
       - ()
(Ξ , A) - zero  = Ξ
(Ξ , B) - suc i = (Ξ - i) , B

del⊇ :  {X A}  {Ξ : List X}
                (i : Ξ  A)
                Ξ  Ξ - i
del⊇ zero    = drop id
del⊇ (suc i) = keep (del⊇ i)

-- McBride's deletion-based variable equality

data _≡∋_ {X} :  {A B}  {Ξ : List X}  Ξ  A  Ξ  B  Set
    same :  {A}  {Ξ : List X}
                  (i : Ξ  A)
                  i ≡∋ i

    diff :  {A B}  {Ξ : List X}
                    (i : Ξ  A) (j : Ξ - i  B)
                    i ≡∋ ren∋ (del⊇ i) j

_≟∋_ :  {X A B}  {Ξ : List X}
                  (i : Ξ  A) (j : Ξ  B)
                  i ≡∋ j
zero  ≟∋ zero   = same zero
zero  ≟∋ suc j  rewrite id-ren∋ j ⁻¹ = diff zero j
suc i ≟∋ zero   = diff (suc i) zero
suc i ≟∋ suc j  with i ≟∋ j
suc i ≟∋ suc .i | same .i = same (suc i)
suc i ≟∋ suc ._ | diff .i j = diff (suc i) (suc j)

-- NOTE: Interesting!

delred⊒ :  {X A}  {Ξ : List X}
                   (i : Ξ  A) (j : Ξ - i  A)
                   Ξ - i  Ξ
delred⊒ i j k with i ≟∋ k
delred⊒ i j k | same .k   = j
delred⊒ i j _ | diff .i k = k

del⊒ :  {X A}  {Ξ : List X}
                (i : Ξ  A)
                Ξ  Ξ - i
del⊒ zero    j = suc j
del⊒ (suc i) j = keep⊒ (del⊒ i) j


-- Normal/neutral deductions

  infix 3 _⊢_normal
  data _⊢_normal : List Form  Form  Set
      lam :  {A B Γ}  Γ , A  B normal
                       Γ  A  B normal

      pair :  {A B Γ}  Γ  A normal  Γ  B normal
                        Γ  A  B normal

      unit :  {Γ}  Γ  𝟏 normal

      abort :  {A Γ}  Γ  𝟎 neutral
                       Γ  A normal

      inl :  {A B Γ}  Γ  A normal
                       Γ  A  B normal

      inr :  {A B Γ}  Γ  B normal
                       Γ  A  B normal

      case :  {A B C Γ}  Γ  A  B neutral  Γ , A  C normal  Γ , B  C normal
                          Γ  C normal

      ent :  {A Γ}  Γ  A neutral
                     Γ  A normal

  infix 3 _⊢_neutral
  data _⊢_neutral : List Form  Form  Set
      var :  {A Γ}  Γ  A
                     Γ  A neutral

      app :  {A B Γ}  Γ  A  B neutral  Γ  A normal
                       Γ  B neutral

      fst :  {A B Γ}  Γ  A  B neutral
                       Γ  A neutral

      snd :  {A B Γ}  Γ  A  B neutral
                       Γ  B neutral

infix 3 _⊢_allneutral
_⊢_allneutral : List Form  List Form  Set
Γ  Ξ allneutral = All (Γ ⊢_neutral) Ξ

infix 3 _⊢_allnormal
_⊢_allnormal : List Form  List Form  Set
Γ  Ξ allnormal = All (Γ ⊢_normal) Ξ

  renₙₘ :  {Γ Γ′ A}  Γ′  Γ  Γ  A normal
                      Γ′  A normal
  renₙₘ η (lam 𝒟)      = lam (renₙₘ (keep η) 𝒟)
  renₙₘ η (pair 𝒟 )   = pair (renₙₘ η 𝒟) (renₙₘ η )
  renₙₘ η unit         = unit
  renₙₘ η (abort 𝒟)    = abort (renₙₜ η 𝒟)
  renₙₘ η (inl 𝒟)      = inl (renₙₘ η 𝒟)
  renₙₘ η (inr 𝒟)      = inr (renₙₘ η 𝒟)
  renₙₘ η (case 𝒟  ) = case (renₙₜ η 𝒟) (renₙₘ (keep η) ) (renₙₘ (keep η) )
  renₙₘ η (ent 𝒟)      = ent (renₙₜ η 𝒟)

  renₙₜ :  {Γ Γ′ A}  Γ′  Γ  Γ  A neutral
                      Γ′  A neutral
  renₙₜ η (var i)   = var (ren∋ η i)
  renₙₜ η (app 𝒟 ) = app (renₙₜ η 𝒟) (renₙₘ η )
  renₙₜ η (fst 𝒟)   = fst (renₙₜ η 𝒟)
  renₙₜ η (snd 𝒟)   = snd (renₙₜ η 𝒟)

rensₙₜ :  {Γ Γ′ Ξ}  Γ′  Γ  Γ  Ξ allneutral
                     Γ′  Ξ allneutral
rensₙₜ η ξ = maps (renₙₜ η) ξ

wkₙₜ :  {B Γ A}  Γ  A neutral
                  Γ , B  A neutral
wkₙₜ 𝒟 = renₙₜ (drop id) 𝒟

wksₙₜ :  {A Γ Ξ}  Γ  Ξ allneutral
                   Γ , A  Ξ allneutral
wksₙₜ ξ = rensₙₜ (drop id) ξ

vzₙₜ :  {Γ A}  Γ , A  A neutral
vzₙₜ = var zero

liftsₙₜ :  {A Γ Ξ}  Γ  Ξ allneutral
                     Γ , A  Ξ , A allneutral
liftsₙₜ ξ = wksₙₜ ξ , vzₙₜ

varsₙₜ :  {Γ Γ′}  Γ′  Γ
                   Γ′  Γ allneutral
varsₙₜ done     = 
varsₙₜ (drop η) = wksₙₜ (varsₙₜ η)
varsₙₜ (keep η) = liftsₙₜ (varsₙₜ η)

idsₙₜ :  {Γ}  Γ  Γ allneutral
idsₙₜ = varsₙₜ id

rensₙₘ :  {Γ Γ′ Ξ}  Γ′  Γ  Γ  Ξ allnormal
                     Γ′  Ξ allnormal
rensₙₘ η ξ = maps (renₙₘ η) ξ

wkₙₘ :  {B Γ A}  Γ  A normal
                  Γ , B  A normal
wkₙₘ 𝒟 = renₙₘ (drop id) 𝒟

wksₙₘ :  {A Γ Ξ}  Γ  Ξ allnormal
                   Γ , A  Ξ allnormal
wksₙₘ ξ = rensₙₘ (drop id) ξ

vzₙₘ :  {Γ A}  Γ , A  A normal
vzₙₘ = ent vzₙₜ

liftsₙₘ :  {A Γ Ξ}  Γ  Ξ allnormal
                     Γ , A  Ξ , A allnormal
liftsₙₘ ξ = wksₙₘ ξ , vzₙₘ

varsₙₘ :  {Γ Γ′}  Γ′  Γ
                   Γ′  Γ allnormal
varsₙₘ done     = 
varsₙₘ (drop η) = wksₙₘ (varsₙₘ η)
varsₙₘ (keep η) = liftsₙₘ (varsₙₘ η)

idsₙₘ :  {Γ}  Γ  Γ allnormal
idsₙₘ = varsₙₘ id

-- Lemma 3.5 (Substitution property of normal/neutral deductions)

  subₙₘ :  {Γ Ξ A}  Γ  Ξ allneutral  Ξ  A normal
                     Γ  A normal
  subₙₘ ξ (lam 𝒟)      = lam (subₙₘ (liftsₙₜ ξ) 𝒟)
  subₙₘ ξ (pair 𝒟 )   = pair (subₙₘ ξ 𝒟) (subₙₘ ξ )
  subₙₘ ξ unit         = unit
  subₙₘ ξ (abort 𝒟)    = abort (subₙₜ ξ 𝒟)
  subₙₘ ξ (inl 𝒟)      = inl (subₙₘ ξ 𝒟)
  subₙₘ ξ (inr 𝒟)      = inr (subₙₘ ξ 𝒟)
  subₙₘ ξ (case 𝒟  ) = case (subₙₜ ξ 𝒟) (subₙₘ (liftsₙₜ ξ) ) (subₙₘ (liftsₙₜ ξ) )
  subₙₘ ξ (ent 𝒟)      = ent (subₙₜ ξ 𝒟)

  subₙₜ :  {Γ Ξ A}  Γ  Ξ allneutral  Ξ  A neutral
                     Γ  A neutral
  subₙₜ ξ (var i)   = get ξ i
  subₙₜ ξ (app 𝒟 ) = app (subₙₜ ξ 𝒟) (subₙₘ ξ )
  subₙₜ ξ (fst 𝒟)   = fst (subₙₜ ξ 𝒟)
  subₙₜ ξ (snd 𝒟)   = snd (subₙₜ ξ 𝒟)

cutₙₘ :  {Γ A B}  Γ  A neutral  Γ , A  B normal
                   Γ  B normal
cutₙₘ 𝒟  = subₙₘ (idsₙₜ , 𝒟) 

-- Theorem 3.1 (Soundness of normal/neutral deductions with respect to natural deduction)

  thm31ₙₘ :  {Γ A}  Γ  A normal
                     Γ  A true
  thm31ₙₘ (lam 𝒟)      = lam (thm31ₙₘ 𝒟)
  thm31ₙₘ (pair 𝒟 )   = pair (thm31ₙₘ 𝒟) (thm31ₙₘ )
  thm31ₙₘ unit         = unit
  thm31ₙₘ (abort 𝒟)    = abort (thm31ₙₜ 𝒟)
  thm31ₙₘ (inl 𝒟)      = inl (thm31ₙₘ 𝒟)
  thm31ₙₘ (inr 𝒟)      = inr (thm31ₙₘ 𝒟)
  thm31ₙₘ (case 𝒟  ) = case (thm31ₙₜ 𝒟) (thm31ₙₘ ) (thm31ₙₘ )
  thm31ₙₘ (ent 𝒟)      = thm31ₙₜ 𝒟

  thm31ₙₜ :  {Γ A}  Γ  A neutral
                     Γ  A true
  thm31ₙₜ (var i)   = var i
  thm31ₙₜ (app 𝒟 ) = app (thm31ₙₜ 𝒟) (thm31ₙₘ )
  thm31ₙₜ (fst 𝒟)   = fst (thm31ₙₜ 𝒟)
  thm31ₙₜ (snd 𝒟)   = snd (thm31ₙₜ 𝒟)


-- Annotated normal/neutral deductions

  infix 3 _⊢₊_normal
  data _⊢₊_normal : List Form  Form  Set
      lam :  {A B Γ}  Γ , A ⊢₊ B normal
                       Γ ⊢₊ A  B normal

      pair :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ A normal  Γ ⊢₊ B normal
                        Γ ⊢₊ A  B normal

      unit :  {Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ 𝟏 normal

      abort :  {A Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ 𝟎 neutral
                       Γ ⊢₊ A normal

      inl :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ A normal
                       Γ ⊢₊ A  B normal

      inr :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ B normal
                       Γ ⊢₊ A  B normal

      case :  {A B C Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ A  B neutral  Γ , A ⊢₊ C normal  Γ , B ⊢₊ C normal
                          Γ ⊢₊ C normal

      ent :  {A Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ A neutral
                     Γ ⊢₊ A normal

  infix 3 _⊢₊_neutral
  data _⊢₊_neutral : List Form  Form  Set
      var :  {A Γ}  Γ  A
                     Γ ⊢₊ A neutral

      app :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ A  B neutral  Γ ⊢₊ A normal
                       Γ ⊢₊ B neutral

      fst :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ A  B neutral
                       Γ ⊢₊ A neutral

      snd :  {A B Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ A  B neutral
                       Γ ⊢₊ B neutral

      enm :  {A Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ A normal
                     Γ ⊢₊ A neutral

infix 3 _⊢₊_allneutral
_⊢₊_allneutral : List Form  List Form  Set
Γ ⊢₊ Ξ allneutral = All (Γ ⊢₊_neutral) Ξ

infix 3 _⊢₊_allnormal
_⊢₊_allnormal : List Form  List Form  Set
Γ ⊢₊ Ξ allnormal = All (Γ ⊢₊_normal) Ξ

  renₙₘ₊ :  {Γ Γ′ A}  Γ′  Γ  Γ ⊢₊ A normal
                      Γ′ ⊢₊ A normal
  renₙₘ₊ η (lam 𝒟)      = lam (renₙₘ₊ (keep η) 𝒟)
  renₙₘ₊ η (pair 𝒟 )   = pair (renₙₘ₊ η 𝒟) (renₙₘ₊ η )
  renₙₘ₊ η unit         = unit
  renₙₘ₊ η (abort 𝒟)    = abort (renₙₜ₊ η 𝒟)
  renₙₘ₊ η (inl 𝒟)      = inl (renₙₘ₊ η 𝒟)
  renₙₘ₊ η (inr 𝒟)      = inr (renₙₘ₊ η 𝒟)
  renₙₘ₊ η (case 𝒟  ) = case (renₙₜ₊ η 𝒟) (renₙₘ₊ (keep η) ) (renₙₘ₊ (keep η) )
  renₙₘ₊ η (ent 𝒟)      = ent (renₙₜ₊ η 𝒟)

  renₙₜ₊ :  {Γ Γ′ A}  Γ′  Γ  Γ ⊢₊ A neutral
                      Γ′ ⊢₊ A neutral
  renₙₜ₊ η (var i)   = var (ren∋ η i)
  renₙₜ₊ η (app 𝒟 ) = app (renₙₜ₊ η 𝒟) (renₙₘ₊ η )
  renₙₜ₊ η (fst 𝒟)   = fst (renₙₜ₊ η 𝒟)
  renₙₜ₊ η (snd 𝒟)   = snd (renₙₜ₊ η 𝒟)
  renₙₜ₊ η (enm 𝒟)   = enm (renₙₘ₊ η 𝒟)

rensₙₜ₊ :  {Γ Γ′ Ξ}  Γ′  Γ  Γ ⊢₊ Ξ allneutral
                      Γ′ ⊢₊ Ξ allneutral
rensₙₜ₊ η ξ = maps (renₙₜ₊ η) ξ

wkₙₜ₊ :  {B Γ A}  Γ ⊢₊ A neutral
                   Γ , B ⊢₊ A neutral
wkₙₜ₊ 𝒟 = renₙₜ₊ (drop id) 𝒟

wksₙₜ₊ :  {A Γ Ξ}  Γ ⊢₊ Ξ allneutral
                    Γ , A ⊢₊ Ξ allneutral
wksₙₜ₊ ξ = rensₙₜ₊ (drop id) ξ

vzₙₜ₊ :  {Γ A}  Γ , A ⊢₊ A neutral
vzₙₜ₊ = var zero

liftsₙₜ₊ :  {A Γ Ξ}  Γ ⊢₊ Ξ allneutral
                      Γ , A ⊢₊ Ξ , A allneutral
liftsₙₜ₊ ξ = wksₙₜ₊ ξ , vzₙₜ₊

varsₙₜ₊ :  {Γ Γ′}  Γ′  Γ
                    Γ′ ⊢₊ Γ allneutral
varsₙₜ₊ done     = 
varsₙₜ₊ (drop η) = wksₙₜ₊ (varsₙₜ₊ η)
varsₙₜ₊ (keep η) = liftsₙₜ₊ (varsₙₜ₊ η)

idsₙₜ₊ :  {Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ Γ allneutral
idsₙₜ₊ = varsₙₜ₊ id

rensₙₘ₊ :  {Γ Γ′ Ξ}  Γ′  Γ  Γ ⊢₊ Ξ allnormal
                      Γ′ ⊢₊ Ξ allnormal
rensₙₘ₊ η ξ = maps (renₙₘ₊ η) ξ

wkₙₘ₊ :  {B Γ A}  Γ ⊢₊ A normal
                   Γ , B ⊢₊ A normal
wkₙₘ₊ 𝒟 = renₙₘ₊ (drop id) 𝒟

wksₙₘ₊ :  {A Γ Ξ}  Γ ⊢₊ Ξ allnormal
                    Γ , A ⊢₊ Ξ allnormal
wksₙₘ₊ ξ = rensₙₘ₊ (drop id) ξ

vzₙₘ₊ :  {Γ A}  Γ , A ⊢₊ A normal
vzₙₘ₊ = ent vzₙₜ₊

liftsₙₘ₊ :  {A Γ Ξ}  Γ ⊢₊ Ξ allnormal
                      Γ , A ⊢₊ Ξ , A allnormal
liftsₙₘ₊ ξ = wksₙₘ₊ ξ , vzₙₘ₊

varsₙₘ₊ :  {Γ Γ′}  Γ′  Γ
                    Γ′ ⊢₊ Γ allnormal
varsₙₘ₊ done     = 
varsₙₘ₊ (drop η) = wksₙₘ₊ (varsₙₘ₊ η)
varsₙₘ₊ (keep η) = liftsₙₘ₊ (varsₙₘ₊ η)

idsₙₘ₊ :  {Γ}  Γ ⊢₊ Γ allnormal
idsₙₘ₊ = varsₙₘ₊ id

-- Lemma ??? (Substitution property of annotated normal/neutral deductions)

  subₙₘ₊ :  {Γ Ξ A}  Γ ⊢₊ Ξ allneutral  Ξ ⊢₊ A normal
                      Γ ⊢₊ A normal
  subₙₘ₊ ξ (lam 𝒟)      = lam (subₙₘ₊ (liftsₙₜ₊ ξ) 𝒟)
  subₙₘ₊ ξ (pair 𝒟 )   = pair (subₙₘ₊ ξ 𝒟) (subₙₘ₊ ξ )
  subₙₘ₊ ξ unit         = unit
  subₙₘ₊ ξ (abort 𝒟)    = abort (subₙₜ₊ ξ 𝒟)
  subₙₘ₊ ξ (inl 𝒟)      = inl (subₙₘ₊ ξ 𝒟)
  subₙₘ₊ ξ (inr 𝒟)      = inr (subₙₘ₊ ξ 𝒟)
  subₙₘ₊ ξ (case 𝒟  ) = case (subₙₜ₊ ξ 𝒟) (subₙₘ₊ (liftsₙₜ₊ ξ) ) (subₙₘ₊ (liftsₙₜ₊ ξ) )
  subₙₘ₊ ξ (ent 𝒟)      = ent (subₙₜ₊ ξ 𝒟)

  subₙₜ₊ :  {Γ Ξ A}  Γ ⊢₊ Ξ allneutral  Ξ ⊢₊ A neutral
                      Γ ⊢₊ A neutral
  subₙₜ₊ ξ (var i)   = get ξ i
  subₙₜ₊ ξ (app 𝒟 ) = app (subₙₜ₊ ξ 𝒟) (subₙₘ₊ ξ )
  subₙₜ₊ ξ (fst 𝒟)   = fst (subₙₜ₊ ξ 𝒟)
  subₙₜ₊ ξ (snd 𝒟)   = snd (subₙₜ₊ ξ 𝒟)
  subₙₜ₊ ξ (enm 𝒟)   = enm (subₙₘ₊ ξ 𝒟)

cutₙₘ₊ :  {Γ A B}  Γ ⊢₊ A neutral  Γ , A ⊢₊ B normal
                    Γ ⊢₊ B normal
cutₙₘ₊ 𝒟  = subₙₘ₊ (idsₙₜ₊ , 𝒟) 

pseudocutₙₘ₊ :  {Γ A B}  Γ ⊢₊ A normal  Γ , A ⊢₊ B normal
                          Γ ⊢₊ B normal
pseudocutₙₘ₊ 𝒟  = ent (app (enm (lam )) 𝒟)

-- Theorem 3.2 (Soundness of annotated normal/neutral deductions with respect to natural deduction)

  thm32ₙₘ :  {Γ A}  Γ ⊢₊ A normal
                     Γ  A true
  thm32ₙₘ (lam 𝒟)      = lam (thm32ₙₘ 𝒟)
  thm32ₙₘ (pair 𝒟 )   = pair (thm32ₙₘ 𝒟) (thm32ₙₘ )
  thm32ₙₘ unit         = unit
  thm32ₙₘ (abort 𝒟)    = abort (thm32ₙₜ 𝒟)
  thm32ₙₘ (inl 𝒟)      = inl (thm32ₙₘ 𝒟)
  thm32ₙₘ (inr 𝒟)      = inr (thm32ₙₘ 𝒟)
  thm32ₙₘ (case 𝒟  ) = case (thm32ₙₜ 𝒟) (thm32ₙₘ ) (thm32ₙₘ )
  thm32ₙₘ (ent 𝒟)      = thm32ₙₜ 𝒟

  thm32ₙₜ :  {Γ A}  Γ ⊢₊ A neutral
                     Γ  A true
  thm32ₙₜ (var i)   = var i
  thm32ₙₜ (app 𝒟 ) = app (thm32ₙₜ 𝒟) (thm32ₙₘ )
  thm32ₙₜ (fst 𝒟)   = fst (thm32ₙₜ 𝒟)
  thm32ₙₜ (snd 𝒟)   = snd (thm32ₙₜ 𝒟)
  thm32ₙₜ (enm 𝒟)   = thm32ₙₘ 𝒟

-- Theorem 3.3 (Completeness of annotated normal/neutral deductions with respect to natural deduction)

thm33ₙₘ :  {Γ A}  Γ  A true
                   Γ ⊢₊ A normal
thm33ₙₘ (var i)      = ent (var i)
thm33ₙₘ (lam 𝒟)      = lam (thm33ₙₘ 𝒟)
thm33ₙₘ (app 𝒟 )    = ent (app (enm (thm33ₙₘ 𝒟)) (thm33ₙₘ ))
thm33ₙₘ (pair 𝒟 )   = pair (thm33ₙₘ 𝒟) (thm33ₙₘ )
thm33ₙₘ (fst 𝒟)      = ent (fst (enm (thm33ₙₘ 𝒟)))
thm33ₙₘ (snd 𝒟)      = ent (snd (enm (thm33ₙₘ 𝒟)))
thm33ₙₘ unit         = unit
thm33ₙₘ (abort 𝒟)    = abort (enm (thm33ₙₘ 𝒟))
thm33ₙₘ (inl 𝒟)      = inl (thm33ₙₘ 𝒟)
thm33ₙₘ (inr 𝒟)      = inr (thm33ₙₘ 𝒟)
thm33ₙₘ (case 𝒟  ) = case (enm (thm33ₙₘ 𝒟)) (thm33ₙₘ ) (thm33ₙₘ )

thm33ₙₜ :  {Γ A}  Γ  A true
                   Γ ⊢₊ A neutral
thm33ₙₜ (var i)      = var i
thm33ₙₜ (lam 𝒟)      = enm (lam (ent (thm33ₙₜ 𝒟)))
thm33ₙₜ (app 𝒟 )    = app (thm33ₙₜ 𝒟) (ent (thm33ₙₜ ))
thm33ₙₜ (pair 𝒟 )   = enm (pair (ent (thm33ₙₜ 𝒟)) (ent (thm33ₙₜ )))
thm33ₙₜ (fst 𝒟)      = fst (thm33ₙₜ 𝒟)
thm33ₙₜ (snd 𝒟)      = snd (thm33ₙₜ 𝒟)
thm33ₙₜ unit         = enm unit
thm33ₙₜ (abort 𝒟)    = enm (abort (thm33ₙₜ 𝒟))
thm33ₙₜ (inl 𝒟)      = enm (inl (ent (thm33ₙₜ 𝒟)))
thm33ₙₜ (inr 𝒟)      = enm (inr (ent (thm33ₙₜ 𝒟)))
thm33ₙₜ (case 𝒟  ) = enm (case (thm33ₙₜ 𝒟) (ent (thm33ₙₜ )) (ent (thm33ₙₜ )))
