module A201706.ISML where

open import A201706.Prelude public

-- Types and lists of types.

module ISMLList where
  open import A201706.PreludeList public

    infixr 7 _⇒_
    data Ty : Set where
            : Ty
      _⇒_   : Ty  Ty  Ty
      [_⁏_]_ : BoxTy⋆  Ty⋆  Ty  Ty

    record BoxTy : Set where
      constructor [_⁏_]_
        Δ : BoxTy⋆
        Γ : Ty⋆
        A : Ty

    Ty⋆ : Set
    Ty⋆ = List Ty

    BoxTy⋆ : Set
    BoxTy⋆ = List BoxTy

-- Types and vectors of types.

module ISMLVec where
  open import A201706.PreludeVec public

    infixr 7 _⇒_
    data Ty : Set where
            : Ty
      _⇒_   : Ty  Ty  Ty
      [_⁏_]_ :  {d g}  BoxTy⋆ d  Ty⋆ g  Ty  Ty

    record BoxTy : Set where
      constructor [_⁏_]_
        {d} : Nat
        {g} : Nat
        Δ   : BoxTy⋆ d
        Γ   : Ty⋆ g
        A   : Ty

    Ty⋆ : Nat  Set
    Ty⋆ g = Vec Ty g

    BoxTy⋆ : Nat  Set
    BoxTy⋆ d = Vec BoxTy d