module A201607.WIP2.BasicICML.Sketch where

open import A201607.BasicICML.Syntax.DyadicGentzen public

-- Let us assume some types X and Y, and a function foo from X to Y.
  X : Ty
  Y : Ty
  foo :  {Γ Δ}  Γ  Δ  X  Y

-- We can construct a term of type Y under the assumption that we have a term of type X.
-- In other words, we can construct a term with a free variable, or an open term.
a1 :  {Γ Δ}  Γ , X  Δ  Y
a1 = app foo v₀

-- We can also construct a term of type Y under the assumption that we have a quoted term of type X.
-- In other words, we can construct a term with a free metavariable.
a2 :  {Γ Δ}  Γ  Δ , [  ] X  Y
a2 = app foo (mv₀ )

-- We can quote terms with free variables, because we track free variables in the type.
b1 :  {Γ Δ}  Γ  Δ  [  , X ] Y
b1 = box (app foo v₀)

-- We can also quote terms with free metavariables, as long as we can supply these metavariables.
b2 :  {Γ Δ}  Γ  Δ , [  ] X  [  ] Y
b2 = box (app foo (mv₀ ))

-- Now, let us assume a value of type X.
  bar :  {Γ Δ}  Γ  Δ  X

-- To construct a term of type Y, we can apply foo directly.
c1 :  {Γ Δ}  Γ  Δ  Y
c1 = app foo bar

-- We can also close the open term and apply the result.
c2 :  {Γ Δ}  Γ  Δ  Y
c2 = app (lam a1) bar

-- We can also bind a metavariable to our value of type X.
-- This could be a way to implement let-bindings.
-- Note that the
c3 :  {Γ Δ}  Γ  Δ  Y
c3 = unbox {Ψ = } (box bar) (app foo (mv₀ ))

-- We can simply quote a closed term.
d1 :  {Γ Δ}  Γ  Δ  [  ] Y
d1 = box (app foo bar)

d2 :  {Γ Δ}  Γ  Δ  [  ] Y
d2 = unbox {Ψ = } (box bar) (box (app foo (mv₀ )))