module A201607.OlderBasicILP.Indirect where

open import A201607.Common.Context public

-- Propositions of intuitionistic logic of proofs, without ∨, ⊥, or +.

infixr 10 _⦂_
infixl 9 _∧_
infixr 7 _▻_
data Ty (X : Set) : Set where
  α_  : Atom  Ty X
  _▻_ : Ty X  Ty X  Ty X
  _⦂_ : X  Ty X  Ty X
  _∧_ : Ty X  Ty X  Ty X
    : Ty X

module _ {X : Set} where
  infix 7 _▻◅_
  _▻◅_ : Ty X  Ty X  Ty X
  A ▻◅ B = (A  B)  (B  A)

  -- Additional useful propositions.

  _⦂⋆_ :  {n}  VCx X n  VCx (Ty X) n  Cx (Ty X)
          ⦂⋆        = 
  (TS , T) ⦂⋆ (Ξ , A) = (TS ⦂⋆ Ξ) , (T  A)