module A201607.BasicIPC.Metatheory.Hilbert-TarskiGluedClosedHilbert where

open import A201607.BasicIPC.Syntax.Hilbert public
open import A201607.BasicIPC.Semantics.TarskiGluedClosedHilbert public

-- Internalisation of syntax as syntax representation in a particular model, for closed terms only.

module _ {{_ : Model}} where
  [_]₀ :  {A}    A  [⊢] A
  [ var () ]₀
  [ app t u ]₀ = [app] [ t ]₀ [ u ]₀
  [ ci ]₀      = [ci]
  [ ck ]₀      = [ck]
  [ cs ]₀      = [cs]
  [ cpair ]₀   = [cpair]
  [ cfst ]₀    = [cfst]
  [ csnd ]₀    = [csnd]
  [ unit ]₀    = [unit]

-- Soundness with respect to all models, or evaluation.

eval :  {A Γ}  Γ  A  Γ  A
eval (var i)   γ = lookup i γ
eval (app t u) γ = eval t γ ⟪$⟫ eval u γ
eval ci        γ = [ci]  I
eval ck        γ = [ck]  ⟪K⟫
eval cs        γ = [cs]  ⟪S⟫′
eval cpair     γ = [cpair]  _⟪,⟫′_
eval cfst      γ = [cfst]  π₁
eval csnd      γ = [csnd]  π₂
eval unit      γ = 

-- Correctness of evaluation with respect to conversion.

eval✓ :  {{_ : Model}} {A Γ} {t t′ : Γ  A}  t  t′  eval t  eval t′
eval✓ refl⋙                   = refl
eval✓ (trans⋙ p q)            = trans (eval✓ p) (eval✓ q)
eval✓ (sym⋙ p)                = sym (eval✓ p)
eval✓ (congapp⋙ p q)          = cong² _⟦$⟧_ (eval✓ p) (eval✓ q)
eval✓ (congi⋙ p)              = cong I (eval✓ p)
eval✓ (congk⋙ p q)            = cong² K (eval✓ p) (eval✓ q)
eval✓ (congs⋙ p q r)          = cong³ ⟦S⟧ (eval✓ p) (eval✓ q) (eval✓ r)
eval✓ (congpair⋙ {A} {B} p q) = cong² (_⟦,⟧_ {A} {B}) (eval✓ p) (eval✓ q)
eval✓ (congfst⋙ {A} {B} p)    = cong (⟦π₁⟧ {A} {B}) (eval✓ p)
eval✓ (congsnd⋙ {A} {B} p)    = cong (⟦π₂⟧ {A} {B}) (eval✓ p)
eval✓ beta▻ₖ⋙                 = refl
eval✓ beta▻ₛ⋙                 = refl
eval✓ beta∧₁⋙                 = refl
eval✓ beta∧₂⋙                 = refl
eval✓ eta∧⋙                   = refl
eval✓ eta⊤⋙                  = refl

-- The canonical model.

    canon : Model
    canon = record
      { ⊩ᵅ_    = λ P    α P
      ; [⊢]_   =  ⊢_
      ; [app]   = app
      ; [ci]    = ci
      ; [ck]    = ck
      ; [cs]    = cs
      ; [cpair] = cpair
      ; [cfst]  = cfst
      ; [csnd]  = csnd
      ; [unit]  = unit

-- Completeness with respect to all models, or quotation, for closed terms only.

quot₀ :  {A}    A    A
quot₀ t = reifyʳ (t )

-- Normalisation by evaluation, for closed terms only.

norm₀ :  {A}    A    A
norm₀ = quot₀  eval

-- TODO: Correctness of normalisation with respect to conversion.